Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Cold in Tacoma and Additional Whining

It got down to 58 last night in Tacoma. That is 24 degrees below what I keep my air-conditioner set at in Texas.

This morning someone I'll call Anonymous, called me up to ask if I wanted to go to Starbucks. I declined, saying I had stuff to do. Like what? Anonymous asked.

Well, I know better than to go into any details about anything with Anonymous because all you'll get is a bunch of judgemental comments. So, I tend to keep info to a minimum when talking to this person.

Then Anonymous asked how I was this morning. I know this seemingly innocent type question is loaded, when asked by Anonymous. So, I chose my answer carefully, or so I thought, and went with a safe weather comment.

As in I said I was very cold this morning and wish I had a furnace.

To which Anonymous went into judgemental mode on even something as simple as my opinion of the temperature, telling me I'd been here long enough to be acclimated, that I only complain about the cold to get attention. This from a person who has never lived in another climate and has no first person knowledge as to how long it takes to acclimate. As in it took me a long time to acclimate to the heat of Texas.

Like I said, it got to 58 last night.

As I hear this fresh condemnatory verbiage from Anonymous I'm thinking to myself, oh yes, I am so happy now, I am getting attention due to saying I'm cold. I thought to myself why does Anonymous give herself permission to judge my relative state of warmth and then characterize my discomfort as somehow being feigned due to wanting attention? That just strikes me as bizarre. Usually I can switch perspectives and at least have some clue as to the why of what is coming out of someone's mouth. It's perplexing when I can make no sense of it.

Like I said, it got to 58 last night.

I suspect, as I often do when hearing such a thought expressed, that what I'm dealing with is a bit of projection. In that Anonymous is always doing all sortsa odd little things to get attention. And so she projects that script on to others. It's a really bad script and should be removed by a good anti-virus program. Or a shrink.

I reminded Anonymous that I weighed 25 pounds less than the last time I was in this cold state and so I, unlike others more blessed, do not have a large insulative layer of adipose tissue helping keep in my body warmth and keep out the cold.

To which Anonymous replied that I am arrogant to think I'm the only skinny person in Washington.

At which point I'm thinking to myself, change the subject, there is no reasoning with anyone who operates out of what I believe is called a contaminated parental ego state.

And so I got Anonymous off the phone and went about what I was doing before I was so rudely, and I do mean rudely, interrupted.

In 25.5 hours I should be in the air. Where the air is clear and the people are nice. Til I land and the air is hot and the people say howdy a lot.

1 comment:

Deby said...

Durango, just so you know as I'm guessing you'll miss it by the time you get back, but it's been rainy and in the 70's here in the big state of Tejas for the last 2 days. Unusual but wonderful nevertheless.