Wednesday, August 27, 2008

2008 Democratic Convention

Last week I thought I was looking forward to watching this week's Democratic Convention.

But I've not watched but a few minutes of it. I think the problem is I turn it on about 7. That is 2 hours from the primetime main part of the show. Like when Mrs. Clinton or Mrs. Obama gave their speeches. Or when Teddy Kennedy touched everyone, even Rush Limbaugh. I was in bed by then.

I recollect spending a lot of hours watching the 2 conventions in election years gone by. During the 2004 conventions I was on the west coast. And so primetime convention speeches came on at 7, hours before my bedtime. I have no recollection of watching the conventions that nominated Al Gore and George in 2000. I'm pretty sure I must have watched them. This is only my second convention season in the central time zone of Texas. Things like Superbowls, Academy Awards Shows and Conventions come on too late here.

I think part of the problem for me watching this stuff is anymore I'm easily bored and start thinking of something I'd rather be doing. I think I find them boring because the conventions don't have that spontaneous, lively, anything might happen type feel of conventions of years gone by. It is all so slickly produced, like one giant infomercial.

I'll try again tonight to make it to convention primetime, hopefully to see Mr. Clinton and Mr. Biden give their speeches. I'm betting I won't make it though.

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