Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Wichita Falls Freezing Takes Me To Muddy Lucy Park Backwoods Jungle

Last night the temperature fell below freezing, to 31 degrees, freezing for the first time since last Winter.


We are forecast to be back in the 70s in about a week.

In the meantime.


So, today I covered myself in a comfortable layer of insulative clothing and made my way to Lucy Park.

Hence the view of the Lucy Park suspension bridge over the Wichita River.

I was expecting to see the river running more water than it has, of late, due to the couple days of heavy rain. But the river looked to be at about the same level it was when I last saw it, a week or so ago.

I hiked into the Lucy Park backwoods jungle, til I reached an impassable area, due to mud. 

It seems weird to go from a week ago when the Lucy Park hiking would have me being an overheated sweaty mess, to today, when I did not come close to being an overheated sweaty mess.

I fear we are in for a few months now of cold, really cold cold.

I hope the temperature does not go below zero again, like it did two winters ago, causing a blackout that lasted a couple days...

Monday, October 30, 2023

Really Feeling Freezing At 27 Degrees In Wichita Falls

Seems like only yesterday that I was running the A/C to cool down this overly hot abode, due to the temperature outside being in the high 80s.

Actually, it was not yesterday, but last week, but seems like yesterday.

And now, with wind gusting to 17 mph, the current 34 degrees really feels like 27. 

Yesterday, the day known as Sunday, when venturing into the outer world I was in long pants, long sleeve t-shirt, and a sweater. But was totally under dressed and thus got real cold just walking the short distance from my abode to my vehicle.

I will not repeat that being under dressed mistake today. I have found my plush-lined sweatpants...

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Final Sunday Of October Wet & Cold In Wichita Falls

That is the steamed up view out of my bedroom window you see here.

Rain began descending, again, before the sun arrived to do its daily illumination duty on this final Sunday of October.

Currently the outer world is being chilled to 8 degrees above freezing.

With a possible dip to the first freeze since last winter, happening tonight.

This morning my interior space had chilled to 61 degrees. So, for the first time since last winter I turned on the heat, making it currently a balmy 73 degrees.

I need to find my plush lined sweatpants, to help facilitate keeping warm in this frigid climate...

Friday, October 27, 2023

Halloween Spooks In Beverly Hills Of Wichita Falls

No. That is not the White House you see here, sporting a tall skeleton. That is a house on Hamilton Boulevard, across from Hamilton Park, in the neighborhood I refer to as the Beverly Hills of Wichita Falls.

Hamilton Park and the Beverly Hills of Wichita Falls is a short distance from my abode, and so I drove there this final Friday of October to get in my daily bout of high-speed walking, and to take some photos of the Hamilton Boulevard Halloween decorations. 

The above is the biggest of the neighborhood Halloween displays. I could not get all the skeletons in the photo, as they were all over the yard.

This one appears to have a tall ghost on the left, a big black cat in the middle, and yet one more tall skeleton on the right.

I have been seeing multiple Halloween yard displays this year as I drive around town. Way more than I remember seeing previous years. 

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Christmas Is Almost Here With MSU Fantasy Of Lights Being Installed

Several days ago I was surprised driving by Midwestern State University to see that the annual MSU Fantasy of Lights installation was underway.

Underway way before Christmas, marking, for me, the start of the dreaded (by me) holiday season.

We are only a couple days from Halloween.

After the trick or treating ends, we zoom quickly to Thanksgiving, followed quickly by Christmas, then New Year's Day, and the start of yet another year, which will seem to fly by at warp speed.

The past couple days my north Texas location has been like a stereotypical Pacific Northwest winter day. A totally gray sky, with hour upon hour of sky drippage.

Today blue sky returned, along with temperatures in the 80s.

So, I drove the short distance to that aforementioned Fantasy of Lights installation underway, to take the photo you see above.

I believe that is Cinderella in the horse drawn carriage, on her way to lose her shoe and find a charming prince.

I have driven by some over the top Halloween themed yards of late. I will try and remember to take a photo of the one I saw yesterday on Hamilton Road, by Hamilton Park.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Day Two Raining Hard In Wichita Falls Necessitates Umbrella Search

Second day in a row with the morning view from my kitchen window being a look out at a raging downpour. Even though thunderstorming has been in the forecast the past three days I have not seen a single bolt of lightning or hear a single thunder clap.

I was planning on driving to the library this morning.

But, that may be contingent on locating where my umbrella is currently hiding.

With the rain pouring down at its current copious rate, one gets totally soaked in less than a minute. I do not like getting soaked.

The warm temperature and all this rain has amped up the humidity. Which has necessitated a return to running the A/C.

The downpour has let up a bit. Maybe I won't need to locate an umbrella...

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Hours Of Rain Brings Areal Flooding To Wichita Falls

The weather forecaster's forecast arrived as forecast, but, so far, without the thunderstorm part of the forecast.

I began hearing the pitter patter of raindrops around three in the morning. The pitter pattering has continued ever since.

My abode is currently in surrounded by a moat mode. 

I think I may be able to make it to my vehicle without using the inflatable kayak.

The wet look above is via my kitchen window, coming up on 9 in the morning.

The National Weather Service issued an Areal Flood Warning through tomorrow.

I finally got around to looking up what Areal means. Well. It is the adjective form of area. So, all Areal Flood Warning means is a large area might experience flooding.

So, I am experiencing some Areal Flooding in the form of that aforementioned moat...

Friday, October 20, 2023

Lucy Park Backwoods Jungle Mosquito Bites

With the return to Summer, with the temperature in the 80s, it was back to Lucy Park I ventured today, to walk the Lucy Park backwoods jungle. 

At the exit from the Lucy Park backwoods jungle one looks up a slight incline to see the remains of the Lucy Park Pagoda. Will the Pagoda be restored to its former glory? Or will it remain in its current state?

I got myself a few mosquito bites today.

The West Nile Virus has shown up in this town in mosquitoes.

I am fairly certain none of the biters today gave me that Egyptian virus...

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Sikes Lake Coyote Back On Goose Guard Duty

The Sikes Lake coyote was back on guard duty today, scaring off the few ducks and geese who remain at the lake, preventing the birds from making messes at the pavilion by the Wichita Falls Art Museum.

The temperature was back in the 80s today, just when I was getting used to being chilly...

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Microsoft OneDrive Civil War Battle Memory With Linda Lou

It has been a few days since I remembered the Microsoft OneDrive Memories of a particular day. But, today, I remember all the memories.

At the upper left we are looking at a Civil War battle re-enactment at a battlefield a few miles west of Granbury, Texas.

I've been to two Civil War battle re-enactment. They were impressive productions.

At the upper right, that would be Linda Lou you see, on our way to the top of South Mountain, in Phoenix, Arizona, back in October of 2018. Below that first Linda Lou photo is another, with Linda Lou now at the top of South Mountain, talking to a little dog.

The photo on the lower left is also at the top of South Mountain, where several Native Americans of, I think, the Apache Tribe, were selling products they'd handcrafted. If I remember correctly, Linda Lou bought a jewelry item of the earring or bracelet sort.

On the lower right that would be the Baker Hotel you are looking at, in Mineral Wells, Texas.

Hard to believe it was five years ago that I had fun driving Linda Lou to various Arizona locations. The drive to Tortilla Flats was another memorable moment. Seems like only yesterday...

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Mid-October Shadow Of The Lucy Park Thin Man

It was back to Lucy Park I ventured today, to hike the Lucy Park backwoods jungle, a location which is usually chronically muddy by this time of year, but remains dry, due to the ongoing drought.

The temperature was in the mid 60s. Warmer than yesterday.

I have yet to feel the need to locate where I stored my sweatpants.

The pre-noon sun, today, cast a long shadow of the Lucy Park Thin Man.

I am currently the skinniest I have been since I don't remember when.

I have been chunky in times past. I have been un-chunky in times past.

Being un-chunky is way more pleasant than being chunky. I highly recommend it...

Monday, October 16, 2023

Back With Sikes Lake Geese & Yellow Wildflower Carpet

With the temperature barely in the 50s, it was to Sikes Lake I ventured this morning for a fast walk around the lake, with a lot of other lake walkers.

After the mass murder of 383 Sikes Lake geese, a couple months ago, the few geese which remain can not keep up with eating all the sprouting vegetation, like this carpet of yellow wildflowers you see above.

The geese you see flocked above were the only geese I saw today as I walked around Sikes Lake. 

On Saturday I saw a flock of a different type on the way to Lucy Park.

The flock of Sikes Lake Holocaust protesters were back, with the largest group of protesters, yet seen, along with the biggest protest signs yet seen.

I have yet to learn what the Geese Holocaust protesters hope to see happen. A promise of no more goose murders? Criminal charges brought against the goose killers? What?

I sure do grow tired of how fast time seems to be accelerating.

The dreaded (by me) holiday season is fast approaching.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Sunday's Chilly Wichita Bluff Nature Area Hiking

On this third October Sunday, with the chilly temperature barely into the 50s, it was to the east parking lot entry to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area I ventured today for some high-speed bluff hiking.

Unlike yesterday's totally clear blue, cloud-free sky, today the sky was hosting a few small clouds.

The vegetation grows tall at this section of the Circle Trail, as it meanders alongside the Wichita River.

Nearing the high point on the Wichita Bluff, sunflowers are busy blooming, and blowing in the wind.

I am liking the chilly weather, and being back hiking on the Wichita Bluffs, which, along with Mount Wichita in Lake Wichita Park, are the only hiking areas with elevations gains, in this mostly flat part of the country.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Saturday Eclipse Viewing From Mount Wichita Summit

I figured if there was to be any Ring of Fire Eclipse viewing in my area the best wide-open location to do so would be at Lake Wichita, perhaps from the summit of Mount Wichita.

I knew we were not directly in the eclipse's path. That was a few miles to the south, with Abilene and Austin getting the full blackout.

Upon arrival at the Mount Wichita parking lot I made note of a larger than usual number of vehicles parked. Likely enjoying the cool weather. We got down to 48 degrees last night. It was barely 60 upon arrival at Lake Wichita.

Last week's one day of rain added some water to Lake Wichita. That band of blue you see in the photo was not there upon my last visit to this location. But, it is going to take a lot more rain to finally float that new dock waiting for water.

I decided to hike to the summit of Mount Wichita for the first time on a long time. I think well before COVID was the last time I made that arduous trek to this summit. I used the trail on the east side of the mountain to get to the top. You can barely see the trail in the photo documentation.

From the summit, looking down at the Circle Trail and the newly added water.

When I was almost to the summit I was greeted by an aggressive poodle guard dog. The poodle's human picked him up to calm him down.

The poodle quit barking when I asked if I could take his picture. Poodles are such vain little mutts.

Back at ground level, upon reaching the parking lot, I saw a lot of people looking at the sky. I looked at the sun and it seemed way brighter than the norm.

I was almost to my vehicle when a girl, who was with a group of skywatchers, asked me if I wanted to see something cool.

Sure, said I.

She handed me sky viewing glasses. I then looked at the sun and could see the eclipse. The sun looked crescent shaped.

Back at my vehicle I looked at the sun again, without sky viewing glasses. At first what I saw looked like the photo I took from that location, looking at the sun.

But, continuing to look, suddenly I could see the eclipse, without sky viewing glasses.

I shouted to the people who had let me see with their sky viewing glasses that I could now see the eclipse without help.

Don't look too long, shouted a guy who was with the sky viewing glasses girl. It can do damage, said he. To which I said, I thought that was only with a direct viewing of an eclipse.

So, I then got in my vehicle and woke the phone to see how many Google Fit Minutes I had walked.


I could not read the numbers. I was blinded by that bright light. Luckily this blinding phenomenon did not last long, with my full sight returned.

But, it was unnerving. I won't make that stupid mistake again...

Friday, October 13, 2023

Chilly Windy Friday The 13th Wichita Bluff Nature Area Hike With No Snakes

With the temperature barely into the 60s, with a strong wind blowing, with gusts nearing 40 mph, it was back to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area I ventured on this Friday the 13th October day for some high speed windy endorphin inducing aerobic activity.

As you can see, not a single cloud is to be seen, under a bright blue sky.

Midway to the Wichita Bluff summit I passed by the Hoodoo installation zone to see a new Hoodoo cairn had been erected.

When last at this location, a couple weeks ago, there was no Hoodoo. I was deeply disappointed.

And now, we are at the summit of the Wichita Bluffs, looking east at the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Wichita Falls. With the brown Wichita River in the center of the photo.

Still with no clouds visible, no matter what direction one looks.

I had avoided the Wichita Bluff Nature Area all HOT Summer long, due to Blue Msn reporting he came upon two rattlesnakes coiled up on the Circle Trail in the Wichita Bluff Nature Area.

Snakes do not slither when the temperature is at the chilly level it is currently chilled to.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Warm Summer-Like Fall Day At Lucy Park With Dinosaurs

Another warm sunny day in Texas, waiting for the cooler weather of Fall to arrive.

So, it was back to Lucy Park I drove today, to hike through the Lucy Park backwoods jungle.

On the way to the jungle, I walked by the Lucy Park dinosaur dig, where one sees the remains of a Tyrannosaurus.

It never occurred to me, til today, to wonder if back when the throngs of huge dinosaur reptiles roamed the planet, if there were dinosaur snakes, giant T-Rex sized snakes, that would make for a scary addition to a Jurassic Park type movie.

I suspect I will now be having a giant snake nightmare tonight, now that the suggestion has been entered into my sub-conscious...

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Walk Around Sikes Lake With No Swimming Or Snakes

Another clear, blue sky, warm, in the 80s, October day in Texas.

Will Summer ever leave?

I walked around Sikes Lake this morning for my daily acquisition of endorphins. I always wonder about the signs you see here, on a cyclone fence, in front of the Sikes Lake dam.

Had there been a problem with people swimming at this location? And, no boating, canoeing or kayaking without universal approval.

I have never seen anyone swimming, boating, canoeing or kayaking at any location on Sikes Lake.

Sikes Lake does not appear to be an appealing location for any of those activities. The lake is too shallow at too many locations.

That and way too murky.

It has been many years since last I got wet in a Texas lake. I think the year was 2002. And the lake was Lake Grapevine in the D/FW zone.

I was swimming in that lake and found myself face to face with a reptile head. I thought it to be a snake. I've never swam as fast as I did to get away from that reptilian head.

Safely on shore I looked at what was chasing me to see it was a big turtle, not a snake.

I doubt there are any snakes in Sikes Lake. But, there are turtles. Another good reason not to swim there...

Monday, October 9, 2023

Getting Gassed On Way To Mud-Free Lucy Park

I erroneously thought the deluge a couple days ago would end hiking the Lucy Park backwoods jungle til dry warm air returned next Spring.

But, as you can see, the mud has dried in the Lucy Park backwoods jungle.

And, after that chilly respite on Saturday, we are back hot again. Not all capital letters HOT, but still, quite warm.

But, so far, I have resisted turning on the air-conditioning.

In my abode.

In my vehicle the A/C was on.

Gas prices are going to be going back up again, thanks to the Middle East calamity.

So, on the way to Lucy Park I filled my tank at $2.96 a gallon.

Apparently gas at less than 3 bucks a gallon is considered cheap gas in most of the rest of the country...

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Microsoft OneDrive Remembers Mom & Dad At Dealy Plaza & The Dallas Farmer's Market

Once again I remember the Microsoft OneDrive memories Microsoft thinks I should remember. 

These memories are all from October of 2001. 

Mom and dad's first time visiting me in Texas was a month after 9/11.

The two memories at the top are from the Dallas Farmer's Market. Mom on the left. Mom and dad on the right.

The rest of the photo memories are from Dealey Plaza in Dallas.

I thought mom and and would find the 6th Floor Museum to be interesting. That proved not to be the case.

Mom and dad quickly went through the exhibits, showing little interest in any of it. They had no interest in watching any of the incident documenting films, with mom infamously saying something like, "We lived through this happening, so we really don't need to see anymore."

That visit with mom and dad seems so recent, in my memory. But, it was 22 years ago...

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Getting Gassed In Texas Is Way Cheaper Than Getting Gassed In Washington

 A couple days ago I listened to a Washingtonian whine about gas in Washington inching towards six bucks a gallon.

Yesterday I went to ALDI and saw the station where I regularly buy gas has dropped back under three bucks a gallon.

It is interesting how one gets acclimated to the price of gas.

I can remember way back in the previous century filling up the tank of my 65 Mustang for 25 cents a gallon, in Mount Vernon. I remember when an oil embargo in the 1970s caused gas to go over 50 cents a gallon.

And to cut consumption the freeway speed limit was lowered to 50 mph. 

That did not last long. 50 mph seemed so slow.

The last time I drove back to Washington, in early August of 2001. I filled the tank in Amarillo for, if I remember right, 74 cents a gallon. Two days later I needed gas again. I was in La Grande, Oregon. All the gas stations had gas at over $1.75 a gallon.

Outrageous, I thought.

So, I got enough Oregon gas to get me to Washington, where I was sure it would be cheaper.

It wasn't.

I ended up filling up in Prosser, Washington for a little under two bucks a gallon.

Gas prices rose the entire month I was in Washington.

On my return to Texas I once again needed gas, in Amarillo, went to that station where gas was 74 cents a gallon a month before, to see it was now $1.44 a gallon.

$1.44 a gallon sounds cheap now.

$2.99 a gallon sounds cheap, compared to what it costs in Washington, and the rest of the west coast.

And now the Middle East is once again in extreme turmoil. That always seems to cause the price of gas to rise...

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Yesterday's Deluge Did Not Flood Lucy Park

I was in the neighborhood after picking up a prescription, so I went to Lucy Park, not knowing if the park was flooded, or not, from yesterday's stormy deluge.

Well, as you can see via the photo documentation of the Wichita River flowing under the Lucy Park suspension bridge, the river is not in flood mode.

Yesterday's rain did render off paved trail areas a bit muddy in place.

I did not venture into the Lucy Park backwoods jungle, because I knew that area would be muddy, with the type mud which sticks to your shoes, with the stuck mud getting thicker the more you encountered it, eventually rendering me way over six feet tall.

My interior space is being naturally chilled to the temperature I have the A/C set to, that being 78 degrees. The temperature was in the 70s when I walked around Lucy Park. 

100 degree plus days began in late Spring. I think every day of Summer went to 100 degrees or above. Which explains why natural air conditioning at 78 degrees is such a mighty fine thing...

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Finally A Wichita Falls Flash Flooding Downpour Thunderstorm

This morning I went walking with Linda Lou in the Lawrence Street Walmart. Whilst walking Linda Lou asked me about the weather. I told Linda Lou heavy rain and thunderstorms were predicted, but currently we remain under a clear blue cloud-free sky.

And then, around 5 this afternoon, without Linda Lou, I drove the short distance to the Greenbrier Walmart. By then rain was beginning to drip. And I saw lightning striking in the distance.

By the time I got to Walmart rain was falling in a greater volume than the drippage was dripping when I began my short journey.

I was barely in Walmart when my phone acted up, warning me about an eminent dangerous thunderstorm.

Soon rain began pounding the Walmart roof like thousands of hammers, with bass drum booms from lightning strikes.

It was extremely noisy in Walmart.

After being in the store for only a few minutes, it was checkout time. The rain was then coming down in downpour flashflood mode. A crowd of people stood at the exit, apparently hoping for the drenching to end.

But, I like a good soaking, so I took off running, at high speed. By the time I got to my vehicle I was as drenched as if I'd jumped in a swimming pool.

The photo at the top is looking south through my thoroughly wet windshield.

From this high speed running I realized that all the walking I have done the past year has me in way better shape than I realized. I think excessive walking must be much better exercise than bike riding.

By the time I got back under my carport the drenching seemed to have amped up. My abode was already in surrounded by a moat mode.

I decided, since I was already totally soaked, that I'd take off running again, going the long way around, where the moat is not as deep. 

The rain has slowed. I expect to soon see a rainbow...

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Windy October Walk Around Sikes Lake

With the temperature barely in the 80s, with a strong wind blowing, it was back to Sikes Lake I ventured this morning to join the throngs of fast walkers walking around the lake.

In the view here you are looking west, across the lake. 

Later today clouds are scheduled to arrive from the west, bringing possible rain and thunderstorms.

Tomorrow, the day known as Wednesday, is predicted to be wet, with possible flash flooding along with thunderstorms.

Of late the weather forecasts have not had an all that great level of reliability. In other words, I won't be shocked if I see no rain and hear no thunder claps later today, or tomorrow.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Not HOT October Walk Through Lucy Park Jungle

It had been a couple days since I did any nature communing, so on this second day of October it was back to the Lucy Park backwoods jungle I ventured for some salubrious endorphin acquisitioning.

That is the muddy Wichita River you see through the Lucy Park jungle. The river is running a bit low. That may change this week, with rain in the forecast.

Rain and temperatures no longer HOT. With highs in the 70s later in the week.

Today may be the last time I get to hike the Lucy Park jungle for awhile. If enough rain falls the jungle gets way too muddy to walk in and can stay that way for months...

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Bomb Cyclone Covers Mount Rainier In White

 A few days ago, Washington's Miss Chris took us to a bare Mount Rainier.

This Sunday morning, of the first day of the 2023 version of October, Miss Chris, on Facebook, took us back to Mount Rainer, showing us that The Mountain is back fully clothed.

I knew this past week my old home zone had been hit with what is now known as a Bomb Cyclone. When I lived in Washington a Bomb Cyclone was known as a Pineapple Express.

The Bomb Cyclone dropped a lot of water on the lowlands of Washington, and, apparently, a lot of snow at the higher elevations.