Friday, August 22, 2008

Alabama Cracks Down On Fat Employees

The State of Alabama, #2 in national obesity rankings, is putting State of Alabama employees on a diet.

Alabama has given its 37,527 employees a year to lose the fat and get fit or the state workers will have to pay $25 month for insurance that is currently free.

Employees must get a health screening. If the tests show blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose or obesity problems the employee will have a year to improve their health. If the employee shows progress by the end of the year they won't be charged. If they don't make progress they start getting charged starting January of 2011.

Gar the Texan blogged about the obesity issue a few days ago. Apparently Gar the Texan was denied an alcoholic beverage due to the server thinking he'd had too much. After that Gar the Texan was in a fast food joint getting himself a greasy burger when an obese person waddled up to the counter and ordered a couple Mega-sized Happy Meals.

Gar the Texan opined that the same principle involved in denying booze to a drunk should apply to denying excess calories to an obvious chunkster. Even though the chunkster is just doing his part to contribute to the Strategic National Fat Preserve.

I think I agree with Gar the Texan on this serious issue. I have been in situations recently where I eye witnessed a morbidly obese person buying stuff that should not be stuffed in an obese person's mouth. I would have loved hearing, "I'm sorry ma'am, I can not in good conscience sell you that because you are obviously morbidly obese."

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