Thursday, June 30, 2016

Throwing Back Thursday To Clancy Learning To Walk

A couple days ago I found myself needing to use a thumb drive to transfer files from my old laptop to my new laptop.

We need not discuss why the thumb drive means of transfer was needed.

One of the file transfer sessions involved transferring photos. I copied every photo folder I found on the old laptop on to the thumb drive. And then on to the new laptop.

When Picassa sorted out the incoming new photos and I looked at that which was sorted I found all sorts of photos I'd forgotten I had, such as that which you see here.

These photos were in a folder named Nancy. Nancy was the birth name of my oldest sister. That would be Baby Nancy above, in the assisted seating device, with me on the left side of the photo and Spencer Jack's grandpa, Jake, on the right.

As we progress through the Nancy photos we see her eventually learn to stand on her own two feet. Along with photo documentation of the first, and one of the few, times, Nancy was ever caught wearing a dress.

Since Nancy was born in Mount Vernon, Washington, I am guessing most of these photos were taken in our house on what became known as College Way, across from what became known as Skagit Valley College. Under construction whilst we lived across the street.

More than thirty years later I built a house a few miles to the east of that aforementioned home location on the south side of College Way.

Below, as you can see, Nancy still needs assistance when sitting. Here it was my job to try and hold her upright.

Nancy won a Skagit Valley Herald Beautiful Baby Contest when she was a beautiful baby. Below you see one of the rare instances where Nancy is smiling. I do not know if I have, among my photos, the photo which won Nancy the Beautiful Baby Contest. The regular photo positions of my brother and me are reversed in the below photo.

Below is the first know instance of Nancy being photographed sitting without assistance. My brother and I are once again reversed from our regular photo positions.

We all labored laboriously trying to teach Nancy to walk. Below you see an example of that.

Above you see our dad giving it a try, attempting to keep Nancy vertical and walking. Isn't Spencer Jack's grandpa a cute little guy in this picture?

I can not tell what Washington beach we are on here where my brother and I are able to balance on driftwood, whilst Nancy still required mobility assistance.

Above is somewhere on the Olympic Peninsula, would be my best guess.

Below is the first known photo documentation of Nancy on her own, vertical, with only minimal reliance on her big brother for stability.

And look at that outfit Nancy is wearing. A dress of some sort, with shiny black shoes. And a bonnet.

I have not seen Nancy in almost a decade. When I last saw Nancy, way back at some point in time in the previous decade, she was her usual charming self, hosting a family get together at a Skagit Valley park, where I got to meet Spencer Jack for the first time.

Since then, sister Nancy changed her name to Clancy and married Fancy on a beach somewhere on the Hood Canal, in an elaborate ceremony to which I was not invited.

I have seen photos of the Fancy Clancy wedding ceremony. The wedding dresses were such as I had not seen before. Stylish hoodies advertising something called Dungeness Crab Lager, if I remember correctly.

I wonder what other long forgotten photos I am going to find as I peruse Picassa.....

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