Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Texas Wildflowers In Bloom Including Pink Evening Primroses In Wichita Falls

It was decades ago.

Well, the next to last year of the last century, when I first saw the pink Texas beauties of the type you see here.

It was early May, heading towards DFW from the northwest, driving southeast on Highway 287, somewhere between Amarillo and Wichita Falls I started to see patches of pink along side the road.

After a few miles of seeing this I felt the need to stop for an up close look at the delicate flowers.

This was my introduction to Texas wildflowers.

I do not remember when it was I learned these wildflowers were called something like Evening Primroses.

The patch of pink I stopped and photo documented today were one patch among many one rolls by whilst biking around Sikes Lakes.

Windy today, extremely so. I was happy the Evening Primroses were able to rigidly pose long enough to take their picture...

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