Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Bluest Skies I've Ever Seen In Texas

I don't know what happened. We had had no storm blow through. It wasn't windy. But for some reason the air in the D/FW Metroplex appeared to be totally devoid of any pollution on Saturday.

Looking out the window, this morning, it appears Sunday's air is totally clear too.

That's the balcony view in the photos. The super white clouds and the extra blue sky made for good Texas scenery yesterday.

Of late, we've been under High Ozone Alerts. Supposedly this type air is dangerous to little kids, the elderly and those with respiratory problems. Of those categories, the only one I come close to is the elderly one. I've never actually been troubled by air pollution here. It's never been a bad thing, like being in Los Angeles and having the pollution sting my eyes.

The only jarring thing I saw in the sky yesterday was the weekly fly-by of a giant sign being tugged through the air by a little airplane, apparently trying to motivate me to go to something called Huggins to buy a car.

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