Friday, July 11, 2008

Chesapeake Energy's Shale TV with Tracy Rowlett

I love admitting it when I'm wrong. So, I'll admit it. I was wrong about Chesapeake Energy. Last week I wrote that it appeared Chesapeake Energy was backing off on their multi-media propaganda onslaught. It seemed the TV ads and billboards with Tommy Lee Jones had gone away. The full page ads in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram had not appeared for over a week. I'd not seen a Fort Worth bus plastered with Chesapeake slogans. I'd not seen a Chesapeake/Barnett Shale billboard in weeks.

And then yesterday I saw 2 buses plastered with Chesapeake Energy propaganda. I thought, I guess they've not totally scaled back.

And then, this morning, I learned not only has Chesapeake not scaled back on their propaganda onslaught, they're amping it up by launching an online Shale TV Video channel to help their ongoing attempts to counter all the objections from urban citizens to having their yards dug up, trees knocked down, parks compromised and peace, quiet and clean air messed around with.

For Slate TV, Chesapeake Energy somehow lured the D/FW Metroplex's longest running news guy, Tracy Rowlett, away from CBS Channel 11. I imagine quite a sum of money was involved to get this guy to agree to be a shill for Chesapeake.

Of course, Chesapeake is claiming they will have those who object to their drilling practices on their show. It will be interesting to see if Don Young gets an invite.

Regarding Chesapeake's attempts to counter the online battering they are taking from various blogs and websites. I have a suggestion. Since you are willing to pay so much money to counter your bad public image, have you considered simply making an offer to people like me to get us to shut up?

I certainly would consider such an offer. I am no less willing than Tommy Lee Jones or Tracy Rowlett to sell out if the money is right. I eagerly await Chesapeake's Energy's offer.

In the meantime, yesterday, for some likely un-Godly reason, my next door Chesapeake drilling tower reappeared. I had no idea they came back after the drilling was done? Why? I'll take a photo of this this morning and share it with you later in the morning.

An amusing sidenote, everytime I blog about Chesapeake Energy and the Barnett Shale, I see a huge number of readers pop up from Oklahoma City, headquarters of Chesapeake Energy. I think I can extrapolate from that that Chesapeake Energy, for some reason, really really closely monitors what is being said about them. Such a sensitive company. Except when it comes to disturbing people's sleep, messing up their property, polluting their water and just being an all around nuisance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What he does not say is how much good companies like Chesapeake do for this country. Just remember you fool that 80% of the people in this world would starve to death if it was not for natural gas. I am so sorry but some people have to put up with mean old oil companies. Even the wind chargers and solar panels he loves so much could not be made without natural gas, so get clue you fool.