Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tacoma News Tribune vs. Fort Worth Star-Telegram

My one longtime reader may remember me having a comment or two about the Fort Worth daily to which I subscribe, that being the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. The Star-Telegram is part of the McClatchy chain of newspapers.

During my month in Tacoma my daily paper is the Tacoma News Tribune. It is also part of the McClatchy chain of newspapers. Supposedly a chain of newspapers on hard times, hence a lot of cutbacks on employees and the size of the newspaper and the amount of reading material in the newspaper.

At least that's the excuse the Star-Telegram has been giving for their incredible shrinking paper.

The first issue of the News Tribune, that I read upon arrival, had a News Tribune columnist answering reader's inquiries regarding the shrinking size of the News Tribune. I figured, interesting, the Tribune is annoying people in the same way the Star-Telegram is. At least that's what I thought when I read the headline. But no, the Tribune readers were making note of the paper appearing to have not so many pages as years gone by, they were not complaining about the loss of features or columnists or a crummy TV guide.

The Tribune writer explained that the reason their paper is smaller is due to fewer ads.

Now, that is a huge difference between these two papers. At the same time that the Star-Telegram's content has been shrivelling, the amount of space devoted to ads has soared. Sometimes full page ad after full page ad. This morning's Wednesday edition of the Tacoma Tribune had some sections with only 1 or 2 ads! And they were small.

Like the section that contains the editorial pages and letters to the editor, there were only 2 small ads in a 6 page section. The front page section is 10 pages, with 11 ads, 2 of them full page. Except for the full page ads, the others were small.

No wonder it took me a half hour, or more, to read the Tacoma News Tribune. I'm lucky if I can milk the Sunday edition of the Star-Telegram for 15 minutes. Often I'm done with their daily after about 5 minutes. A shorter amount of time than it takes to write this blog.

Another nice thing about the Tacoma News Tribune. Absolutely no mention of Barnett Shale. And no full page Chesapeake Energy ads. And the News Tribune writer talks about TV like a sophisticated adult, instead of sounding like some sort of wonderstruck bug-eyed Gomer fresh from the sticks, marveling that someone on some TV show had, at some point in time, lived in, visited or knew someone who had lived in or visited or was married to someone who lived in or visited Tacoma or anywhere else in Washington.

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