I lasted about 10 minutes last night. For the first time the hosts of reality shows were nominated. The 5 reality show hosts were the hosts of the Emmy Awards. This did not go well. Only 2 of them, American Idol's Ryan Seacrest and Dancing with the Star's Tom Bergeron do their hosting thing on a live show. Survivor's Jeff Probst, Project Runway's Heidi Klum and the host of that awful game show, Deal or No Deal, Howie Mandel were the other 3 reality hosts. Jeff Probst was the winner.
The host of the reality show that always wins as best reality show, Phil Keoghan, was not one of the 5 best reality show hosts, even though his show, The Amazing Race, won again as best reality show.
The Emmy Awards reality show hosts seemed to be working without a script. For the majority of them ad-libbing was not a forte. It was painful to watch. And sort of embarrassing. I turned to another channel about a minute after Tom Bergeron and William Shatner decided Heidi Klum was over dressed, so they started taking her clothes off til she was stripped down to hotpants.
Normally I would find such a thing worthy highbrow entertainment. But last night it rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe because it wasn't funny.
Speaking of Tom Bergeron and Dancing with the Stars. Tonight starts the new season of that show. I liked Dancing with the Stars. Til last season when I bailed about 2 weeks in. There just were no amusing characters that I enjoyed watching. But, this season we have 82 year old Cloris Leachman trying to dance. She's funny. Susan Lucci should be amusing. That awful pseudo-celebrity, big-butted Kim Kardashian should be amusing. But, from what I've seen of her on her Keeping Up With The Kardashians reality show, she's really stupid. I don't see how she'll be able to remember the dance moves. Lance Bass of boy band fame might be funny. Rocco DiSpirito, celebrity chef and reality show star, can be funny. He can get sort of intense and temperamental.
I'll let you know if I make it through 2 hours of Dancing with the Stars tonight. Highly unlikely. Unless it's real amusing.
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