Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Monkey Boy Injury

During my long long month in Tacoma of late, staying at my sister's, with a frequently grumpy Kristin and two hyper-active poodles, getting little sleep due to frequently falling out of my little army cot up in the HOT ZONE of their house that they call THE TROPICS, by Day 8, or was it 9, I found myself being called the, what seemed to me to be demeaning name, "House Monkey Boy".

This seemed borderline inappropriate to me, sort of politically incorrect, but these were elitist leftists calling me their House Monkey Boy, so I figured it was okay.

I'd be told, "Monkey Boy, pick up the dishes." "Monkey Boy, mow the lawn." "Monkey Boy. Go wash my car". "Monkey Boy. Vacuum all 3 floors and don't forget the stairs". "Monkey Boy. Move that cooler".

The moving the cooler Monkey Boy act occurred at Bay View State Park, up in the Skagit Valley. I was so stressed out by all the Monkey Boy orders that when I was ordered to move the cooler I banged my head 4 times on my biggest sister's ridiculously huge RV that gets .25 miles to the gallon. This left a big knot or two on my head.

The cooler-related Monkey Boy injuries were not the worst. I had some non-Monkey Boy injuries that occurred while helping a former acquaintance of mine move what appeared to me to be junk. That left me bruised and cut. In more ways than one. But I'm totally recovered from those injuries. I'm a fast healer.

I thought I left my string of Monkey Boy type injuries behind when I left Washington. But, a couple days ago I was a bit distracted while following a yapping latina, a door swung out, whacked me in the eye zone, knocked me off balance, which caused me to fall, leaving me with a seriously damaged eye, a bruise on my back and a bruise on my butt.

At the time this occurred I was tasked with a Monkey Boy type task, though here in Texas we are too polite to call anyone a Monkey Boy. But, sadly it is a Monkey Boy that I am and once more I'm recovering from a Monkey Boy injury.

In the meantime, I've had me a day. I've been up since around 2am. Why? Don't ask. Because I won't tell you. Suffice to say it was not a Monkey Boy related thing that woke me up so early.

And tomorrow I get to deal with an Unstoppable Woman in person. Yikes. That has bad thing written all over it.


Lauri Evans said...

Is that Miss Puerto Rico your GIRLFRIEND? We Chippys chewed on this tidbit tonight over cocktails and dinner...and nothing good happens after 1:00 a.m. so that leaves only one or two things you could have been doing...one of which is response to food poisoning...and the other...well as a lady I must demure...
xox lulu

Durango said...

Yes, she's a girl and she's a friend. But, I fear you may be erroneous in your assumption as to what caused the early morning awakening. Then again, it may be I who is erroneous.