When I got out of bed yesterday I could barely stand up. This got better as the day wore on. A long walk helped.
The worst type backache is where something snaps and the back is totally out. That has not happened this time.
My back used to go out on me fairly regularly, like once every couple years. It has only gone totally bad on me once in Texas, early on in my exile, when I was mowing the lawn on a riding lawnmower and I reached forward to pull a lever.
Instantly went out on me. That time took around 6 months to totally recover. I have had short bouts of aching back syndrome, since, but not where my back turns totally dysfunctional on me. I suspect I will quickly recover from this bad back bout.
I thought swimming might help, so I did so this morning. Felt much better afterwards. I'm going to limit the amount of time I spend clacking on this keyboard today. I think too much keyboard clacking may be a contributing factor to back pain.
I heard strong abs eliminates back pain.
I think my strong abs is the reason the back pain goes away quickly, unlike when I did not have such strong abs.
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