Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Foggy Freezy Fort Worth

Anyone who knows me knows it's not my nature to complain. Oh, who am I kidding, whining is the only thing I'm really good at. We are rapidly approaching 48 hours of sub-freezing weather here in usually warm Fort Worth. Just 2 days ago, on Sunday, it got to almost 80.

And now today I came the closest to breaking my neck since I almost fell from a high spot last summer at Mount Rainier. Today I had bundled up as best I could to buffer my sensitive skin from the bracing cold, walking in a very deliberate fashion, when I stepped on to ice.

It was only through the miracle of a hand railing and my George Bush fighting-off-an-incoming-shoe quick reflexes that I was saved from a severe bruising, or worse, as in broken back, neck, leg or foot.

I don't remember if I've mentioned it before, but I'm a very religious person. Religious about making sure I get a good dose of daily exercise. If I don't attend to my religion I can get back aches and get in a bad mood. SAD sets easily in. SAD as in Seasonally Affected Disorder.

In other words this has been the most miserable day I've spent since I spent an entire month in Tacoma last summer.

I couldn't go swimming because my swimsuit was frozen to a chair. That and it was 22 degrees out there. I could not go on a hike or a walk or a bike ride due to the icy spots. I couldn't do any exercise thing in here due to it being too hot due to the furnace constantly trying to keep it above freezing in here.

My one escape today, that involved physical motion, was to walk over to Miss Puerto Rico's to take a photo, about noon, of how miserable it looks here today from her balcony. I forgot, I did drive to the Post Office too. That was treacherous.

And now the National Weather Service has put North Texas on a fog alert, through tomorrow, which could bring a coating of ice. I fear I have not reached the nadir of my misery. If I can't get my swimsuit thawed, I think I may try to make my way to Wal-Mart to get a fresh, unthawed new swimsuit. I must go swimming in the morning. And afterwards I must not leave my swimsuit outside to dry. Because it won't. It'll freeze dry.

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