Are we in for a month of foggy Sundays?
In the picture we are heading north, towards the entry to the 820 freeway at 8 this morning. Without the fog, from this view, you'd see the high flyover pass, a short distance away, that takes drivers from I-30 to 820. But today it is invisible.
If Fort Worth were on the ocean we'd be in full foghorn mode today. But Fort Worth is years away from finishing its man made ocean that is part of the Trinity River Vision, quaintly called Town Lake. I don't know if ferry boats are planned to facilitate crossing Town Lake. I know some signature bridges had been planned, but when the price tag soared into the billion buck range the signature bridges signed off for locally designed non-signature bridges.
The predicted high here for today is 72. The low 52. It is currently 47. So, I'm doubting we will be hitting the 70s today. It was also 47 when I went swimming, for a very short time, this morning. The Big Chill followed by getting steamed in the foggy hot tub.
We hit the 70s rather quickly today...78 degrees to be exact! This weather had Annie and I outside for some more tumble and play. I even felt compelled to water the trees...BRING ON SPRING!
I was stuck inside for most of the nice warm day we had here. Very aggravating.
Very troubled to hear that you were stuck in doors and very glad to read that you were able to get out today.
CT2---It was the best outside day today in a long long time.
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