So, I aborted on the outdoor type walk and went with the pushing a cart around Wal-Mart option.
There were so many human spectacles today at Wal-Mart. It's like some sort of natural Fellini movie.
After Wal-Mart I was driving John T. White Road and I remembered a very odd thing I'd seen on Morrison Road, that I'd previously mentioned to Fosdic.
Celebration Church. It looks like a movie theater bowling alley type place had slammed into a regular church. But what caught my eye, this time, that I'd not seen before, is why Morrison Street is so-named, I assume, because directly across the street from Celebration Church is Morrison Ranch, complete with horses.
The southern border of Morrison Ranch is Interstate 30.
Morrison seems like a good Texas name. I used to know a Morrison up in Washington. Last I saw her she'd grown into a really big girl. I don't think she could possibly get on a horse. Maybe a Clydesdale with a lift assist.
I've lost track of the Morrison girl. I've no contact with anyone who maintains contact with the Morrison girl. Maybe she's slimmed down, moved to Texas and opened the Morrison Ranch for all I know.
Highly unlikely.
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