You may remember, the Wal-Mart co-manager, who called MTG, told her that Wal-Mart had no contractual relationship with A-AArlington Towing, that Wal-Mart did not ask for the vehicles to be towed, that A-AArlington Towing is owed by the City of Arlington.
So, what did our Mad Texas Grandma learn from the Arlington Police?
First off, the police spokesperson told MTG that the City of Arlington does not own A-AArlington Towing.
Second off, Wal-Mart has a contract with A-AArlington Towing.
Third off, the police spokesperson told MTG it was Wal-Mart who authorized the cars be towed.
Fourth off, the Arlington Police Department is aware the Wal-Mart towing warning signs are not Texas legal posted signs.
The night that the vehicles were being illegally towed, in other words, the night that over 50 acts of Grand Theft Auto took place, the Arlington Police were called by distraught victims. But, when the police arrived they simply stood by, said they could do nothing, while the vehicles were taken from a parking lot that, we now know, the police knew did not have Texas legal signs posted.
So many questions--and possible culprits in this automobile rustling case. So the law enforcement professionals watched one or more illegal acts taking place right in front of their very eyes. And admit to the fact. The APD might not have aided and abetted in the thefts, but they sure as heck didn't serve and protect--the citizens, that is.
You seem to be seeing the bigger picture real clear. Now, if only the Mad Texas Grandma could get herself a real good lawyer, and somehow get the other victims involved, I'm thinking they could give the City of Arlington a nice big headache, and maybe clean up some racketeering in the process.
If you know of one LMK. I am ready for court on Monday.
I don't know about lawyers, MTG. But I suggest you write a report-complaint to the mayor, your council rep (if you live in Arlington, or if not write to them and your own officials), APD chief, appropriate dept. in Tarrant County DA's office,Texas Attorney General's Office regarding possible deceptive trade practices, and the FW Weekly and Dallas Morning News. Somebody needs to give clear answers and then to answer for these crimes.
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