Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Microsoft OneDrive Remembering Nephew Jeremy Driving & Mount Rainier

The memory photos from today's Microsoft OneDrive Memories from this Day could have been from August of 2017.

I'd flown to Washington early in August of that year, which would make the next photo one I took of Mount Rainier whilst flying over that currently dormant volcano.

In that first photo memory that is my Favorite Nephew Jeremy, driving. That August of 2017, I spent a week in Washington, and then flew to Arizona for a week with my mom.

On Mondays, like clockwork, Jeremy would show up at my mom's to take mom on their weekly dinner date to one of the many fast-food joints in Chandler, Arizona.

I suspect that that is what is happening in the Jeremy driving photo, driving mom and me to the weekly fast-food dinner.

Jeremy, like his mother, is a good driver. There are some people whose driving always makes me nervous. Jeremy and his mom are among those who do not make me nervous when they are behind a vehicular wheel.

Another example of this some people's driving making me nervous thing is the Goober Twins. One of the Goober Twins, Wally, has never made me nervous when he is behind the wheel, whilst his twin, Big Ed, tends to make anyone riding, with him driving, to be nervous.

I remember a roadtrip, back in the early 1990s. We'd rented a Cadillac to drive to Reno and Yosemite, and points in between. In the Cadillac were the Goober Twins, me and a guy named Dale.

Wally did all the driving til we got to Yosemite.

I had no problem with Wally's driving, none at all. However, when it came time to leave Yosemite, Dale took me aside and sort of begged me to take over the driving due to, apparently, Wally's driving making Dale nervous. Wally is a bit of a speeder.

The Cadillac had an onboard computer calculating gas mileage. Soon after me taking over the driving, due to usually driving below the speed limit, the gas mileage quickly improved, soon getting over 20 miles to the gallon in that big gas guzzling Cadillac...

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