Sunday, August 18, 2024

Super HOT Wichita Falls Sunday

I took the above photo as quickly as I could after igniting my vehicle and getting my photo out of the pocket in which it resides when I am in transit. 128 degrees is getting into a Death Valley level of HOT.

With this third Sunday of August predicted to be the HOTTEST, so far, this HOT time of the year, I opted to stay in air-conditioned comfort, inside my abode, waiting til the HOTTEST time of the day, to exit, and take a short, HOT, drive to Walmart, to walk in air-conditioned comfort for several minutes, before braving the blazing sun, again, to make my way to the air-conditioned comfort of my motorized means of motion to drive back to the air-conditioned comfort of my cool abode.

I wonder if someone somewhere has a contest seeking to find the best example of a long run-on sentence. I think the above paragraph is an excellent run-on sentence example.

I thought the last Sunday before the start of the new school year might make for some interesting anthropological observations in Walmart.


I think the heat keeps the super-hefty from entering the outer world if they can avoid it.

I know I tend to somewhat avoid the heat, when I can, and I am only semi-hefty...

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