Friday, August 23, 2024

Remembering Mountain Biking DORBA Trail In Cedar Hills State Park In Dallas

A Microsoft OneDrive Memory from this Day, which I do not remember when this memory actually happened, as in what date.

But, I do remember that that is Lake Joe Pool, behind me, with me on the DORBA Trail in Cedar Hills State Park in South Dallas.

The mountain bike trails in Cedar Hills State Park were one of my most frequent mountain biking locations. After a strenuous bout of biking I'd pump up my kayak to paddle out on the lake before jumping overboard to cool off.

I do not engage in this type behavior at my current location. Due to the fact there are no nearby hilly mountain bike trails, adjacent to swimmable lakes.

That and I currently do not have a mountain bike worthy of mountain biking.

I may soon find myself with a new mountain bike worthy of mountain biking. Finding a hilly trail location with a swimmable lake will be a bit more challenging...

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