Saturday, August 3, 2024

July 22, 2002 In Lynden Washington With The Slotemaker-Jones

Microsoft's OneDrive Memory from this Day is off by about a week. It was on July 27, 2002 the photo you see here was taken.

I know this because I remember the actual date, that, and I have a coffee cup which immortalizes this event at the Northwest Washington Fairgrounds, in Lynden Washington. 

I shall take a photo of that coffee cup for documentation purposes...

The photo could not quite capture the Jones part of the Slotemaker-Jones coffee cup.

This was a family reunion, the first one of the Slotemaker-Jones family in many years. And the largest ever.

The reunion sort of came about due to that feeling us Americans were having post the shocking 9/11 attacks.

At least that was how my part of it came to be. I was in Washington the month before 9/11, having driven myself solo from Texas to be a surprise arrival at my mom and dad's 50th Anniversary party.

At that party I came into possession of a big box of family photos, and other memorabilia. Much of which I had not seen before, some of which had text explaining what I was seeing in the photo.

Back in Texas I began scanning the photos, rendering them into being digital photos. I then began building a Slotemaker-Jones website. That quickly became the most complex website I'd made up to that point in time. 

I don't quite remember all the details, but at some point in time, after the publishing of the Slotemaker-Jones website the idea of a family reunion was suggested. Within less than a year that suggestion came to fruition.

I was in Washington for only a week for that reunion in 2002. All my times back in Washington I had never been so happy to get back to Texas as I was that time. We need not go into details why...

The Slotemaker-Jones website

Much of the Slotemaker-Jones website no longer works due to Shockwave animations no longer being supported in the format used way back then. I see auto-scrolling text also no longer works. But, the gist of it is still there, for the most part.

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