Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Color Purple Surviving The Tandy Hills Heat While I Talk To My Mom & Worry About A Tacoma Sociopath & Another Texas Governor Becoming President

I took it as gospel, the temperature prediction for today, of no higher than 88.

However, according to the Weather Underground, it is 95, currently, and was 90.4 when I left air-conditioned cool for the outer world HOT.

But, a very strong breeze blew away some of the heat and made the hill hiking quite pleasant today on the very brown Tandy Hills.

The low tonight is still predicted to be 61. I'll believe that when I feel it.

Virtually all color, of the wildflower sort, has disappeared from the Tandy Hills, except for the persistent, hardy, purple guy in the picture.

This morning, when I found my phone, I saw my mom and one of my favorite Tacoma Dwellers had called me last night.

I got gas on my way to Wal-Mart this morning, so, after I got gas, I called my mom, like I always do. It was 8 in the morning, Phoenix time, when I called.

Arizona, south of the Grand Canyon, does not believe in Daylight Savings Time.

My mom was sounding very chipper. Chipper enough to go shopping, virtually, in Wal-Mart, with me.

I have not called the Tacoma Dweller back, yet. She'd emailed me a month or two ago saying she was going to call me because she had a question for me. But, she didn't call and I forgot about it.

I hope the Tacoma Dweller isn't calling me to tell me some new weird thing regarding one of Tacoma's most notoriously accomplished sociopaths. It's been around a decade since that particular sociopath did jail time for her sociopathic deeds. I always expect to hear of some new bad behavior, due to the fact that that particular sociopath's pathic paths have had no treatment, as far as I know, except for multiple drugs that somewhat mitigate some of the sociopathy.

Ted Bundy is another infamous Tacoma sociopath. Obviously it can get much worse than simply stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars and leaving an elderly relative destitute, when you are one of Tacoma's practicing sociopaths.

My dad's big sister, my favorite Aunt, has been mailing me articles about Rick Perry. The title of one is "Texas' Wild Tea Party." In the margins of that article my aunt wrote "I have been meaning to send you this epistle, since I read it. I can only ask----why do you live there!?"

My favorite aunt lives in Eastern Washington, south of Othello, near the Columbia River.

I got another letter from my aunt yesterday with another Rick Perry article. Apparently my aunt is on a quest to understand, as are a lot of people, who Rick Perry is and why he is being taken serious as a presidential candidate.

I had to confess to my aunt that it is a total mystery to me. I also did not understand it when Perry's predecessor was taken serious as a presidential candidate.

Come 2013 are we going to start another 8 years of an ex Texas governor being president?

I think I just shuddered.

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