I was not going to talk about the Saloon Crawling due to the Crawlers having so many rules and regulations about what I can say on my blog about who I Crawl with, what they say or anything else remotely related.
So, it's easier just to put these type things into an Area 51 Black Hole and make no mention.
And then the WWW Miss CVB asks me a question and I feel compelled to answer.
So, in answer to WWW Miss CVB's question, the Saloon Crawling was a real fine time.
Elsie Hotpepper does not object to me using her real name, but the other Saloon Crawlers insist I not identify them. I'll use nicknames. In addition to Elsie there was The White Knight and his sidekick, Robin. And Fort Worth's infamous Lone Ranger. So, that made for 5 Saloon Crawlers.
It being a St. Patrick's Day celebration going on in the Stockyards, and with 1/5th of us Saloon Crawlers being of Irish descent, beer was the adult beverage of choice, except for me and the Lone Ranger, who drank lemonade. I estimate that Elsie Hotpepper consumed 3 times as much of her beverage of choice than I did of lemonade.
Responsible adult that I am, I drove Elsie Hotpepper home, safely, after the Saloon Crawling was over.
I shot a lot of good Stockyard's video yesterday. I have yet to make what I shot into a YouTube video. But, I did extract one tiny extract. Above, in the picture, there is a Fort Worth police car in the lower left. The policeman parked his car in a no parking zone and proceeded to exit the vehicle and head in to the Love Shack, which is where Elsie and I were awaiting the arrival of the others.
We all live in dread fear of a Fort Worth Gestapo taser attack or illegal raid, so, when Elsie saw the Stormtrooper heading our way, she asked me, "What did you do?" I then rephrased Elsie's question, as in, "What did I do?"
You can hear this riveting exchange, in the video below, where you will also get your first chance to hear Elsie's sweet as honey Scarlett O'Hara voice...
Very mysterious. ¬_¬
You have used only 2 words, Twister, to accurately sum up Saturday in the Stockyards. You have the gift of brevity, which is well known to be the soul of wit.
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