So, I'm amping up #1 and cutting back #2. Hopefully I'll be able to get my high blood pressure back under the you're about to have a stroke level.
This morning I took the temperature of the water in the pool for the first time in awhile. The last time I checked the temperature it was under 50. This morning it was 64.
So, with the water temperature being about the temperature of a Washington lake, in Summer, I convinced myself it was Summer in Washington and I was swimming in Samish Lake. I was able to maintain the delusion for about 15 minutes.
After swimming and wasting too many hours fixing webpages, I drove to the Tandy Hills and increased my speed and doubled my number of hill climbs. I had a bit of an adrenalin pump when I heard something coming up behind me and turned around to see a little white ankle biter in silent stealth mode running at full speed towards me.
Lucky for me I had picked up a whacking stick. I brandished the whacking stick at the ankle biter and after a few barks the likely rabid beast tucked tail and run.
Very few Wildflowers have yet to color up the Tandy Hills. This is very unusual, or so it seems to me. Sure does not match my previous Springs in Texas.
I did see something unusual and colorful on the Tandy Hills today. A large cluster of balloons had been snagged by a Tandy tree. That is what you are looking at in the picture at the top.
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