Yesterday, or the day before yesterday, I opined that I thought Chesapeake Energy should be made to buy, outright, at fair market value, plus a bit extra, any property under which Chesapeake wants to run a non-odorized natural gas pipeline.
Anonymous on Scott Avenue, with Scott Avenue being the street due north of Carter Avenue, commented about how I thought Eminent Domain should be properly abused on Carter Avenue.
Anonymous Scott Avenue's comment was so good and had such a good suggestion I figured the comment needed to be blogged about. And so I am.
Below is what Anonymous Scott Avenue had to say....
As a homeowner on Scott Avenue, I presented that option at City Council when this all first started going down.
The problem is that Carter Avenue is not the only street affected. This pipeline will endanger people for a large area including at least three city blocks on either side of the pipeline.
This is not an option. Chesapeake does not want the public relations nightmare of the nightly news showing homes being torn down to build their pipeline.
A more realistic approach at this point is to begin an email campaign to Judge Sprinkle at vgsprinkle@tarrantcounty.com to respectfully ask him not to sign the Judgment.
Steve's easement is no longer "necessary" for this pipeline and that would be the only reason for signing this Judgment. CHK says it is only needed for a "backup" now. We can only win this battle in the court of public opinion. It is time for the Judge to hear from us directly, in a respectful manner, on this issue.
I would send open letters to FWST about ED abuse also. One letter published could reach many people.
what a symbolic photograph--poor little man climbing the steps dtermined to assert his precious rights (and for his neighbors and nation, based on his many statements and actions) to where "power" awaits him, in the forms of armed court guards, tailor-suited lawyers wheeling in file boxes (not sure if there's anything in having to do with this little case but looked mighty impressive, though), and a stern judge staring down at him from the above in the courtroom. However, the picture shows a man walking up to face "power" knowing that the POWER of the PEOPLE and the power of the American Way (as symbolized by the flag and sign held proudly by determined and supportive fellow citizens)were with him. Too bad Norman Rockwell is not around to memorialize this very American scene. KEEP SHOWING THIS AND OTHER PICTURES BECAUSE CHK, THE CITY, AND THE STAR-TELEGRAM DON'T WANT THE PEOPLE TO SEE THEM--for obvious reasons. If there were a picture of Steve shaking his fist in defiance at the CHK's Tower of Power (formerly the Pier 1 Building).
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