Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Up Before Dawn Looking At The Remains Of The Super Moon & Thinking About Last Night's Murder

I was up well before the sun this morning, on the 4th Tuesday of March.

I did not see the Super Moon the night the Super Moon did its Super Moon thing a couple days ago.

This morning as soon as I stepped outside to check out the windy morning view I saw a big glowing white orb hanging above the trees, looking quite full.

I do not know if it was the almost full moon that brought on the lunacy of last night's disturbing nightmares.

It may have been watching a CBS crime procedural show that was last night's nightmare generator.

In the nightmare I murder someone for what seemed to be a good reason at the time. And then from that point in, in the nightmare, it is a series of ongoing attempts to cover up that bad thing I had done. With the cover-up ending up being more bad behavior.

The scope of this nightmare was cinematic, as if I was living in a horror movie of my own making, playing inside my sleeping head. I don't know who I murdered. I do remember, quite clearly, that at the time, for some reason, the person deserved to die.

I need to quit watching TV past my bedtime. Clearly it overstimulates my already overstimulated imagination.

Even though it is being quite gusty this morning, I don't think the whitecapping waves will keep me from having a pleasant morning swim. It is 64 right now with the Wind Chill Factor making it feel like 58 with those winds from the south blowing in at around 25 mph.

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