Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Picking Wild Mountain Volcano Blueberries With A Pain In My Neck

Microsoft OneDrive Memories from this Day that I do remember, and that actually may have happened in September.

A September way back in the previous century. The year 1997 or 1998.

The location is Schriebers Meadow in the Mount Baker National Recreation Area. Schriebers Meadow is the location of the most popular trailhead taking hikers eventually up the slopes of Mount Baker, along with many scenic side trails.

Schriebers Meadow is also the location of a vast field of wild mountain blueberries, which is what we are this location to do. Pick blueberries.

The photo at the top, and the photo below, was taken with my antique Casio digital camera, with its unique, at the time, ability to reverse the lens, enabling the taking of what are now known as selfies. 

In the selfie at the top, that woman on my shoulder, being a pain in my neck, is picking blueberries. Eventually that woman would continue being a pain in my neck, all the way to Texas.

 A view of Mount Baker from Schriebers Meadow.

It was about a 40-mile drive from my Mount Vernon abode to the Schriebers Meadow location.

I do not know what motivated me to initiate a blueberry picking expedition to Schriebers Meadow. I had more blueberries than I was ever able to consume due to blueberry bushes I planted on my rooftop deck.

It seems so long ago, now, that I lived so close to a volcano, and a scenic wonderland.

Mountains to the east, saltwater beaches to the west. Actually, mountains were visible east, west, south and north. But, the mountains, that were the nearest, as in the Cascade Mountains, were thus the most accessible from my home base location.

Sometimes I wonder if I will ever see a mountain, again, before my time on the planet is terminated...

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