Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Third Day Of Fall Hiking Wichita Bluffs

The night of the third day of Fall, saw the temperature at my north Texas location plummet to a chilly 59 degrees. 

59 degrees was not enough of a chill to return cold tap water to being cold, hence a warm-cold shower this morning.

What with those 59 overnight degrees I figured it would still be a bit chilly by the time I made it to the Wichita Bluffs Nature Area.

I figured wrong. The temperature was one degree shy of 80 when I did my bluff hiking. 79 degrees was still a pleasant respite from being fried at over 100 degrees.

The photo documentation above was taken at the high point on the Bluffs. I got off the paved trail to get close to the purple stick looking plants you see above.

A pointy plant managed to poke me whilst I was squatting down in photo taking position. That pointy plant was quite a stinger, causing a loud 'ouch' utterance.

I think I am going to enjoy amping up the endorphin acquisitioning, enabled by the end of the overheating time of year...

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