Sunday, September 22, 2024

First Fall Day Warm Lucy Park Jungle Walk

Yesterday, the final day of Summer, the temperature once again went over 100 degrees. Likely for the last time in the year 2024.

Today, the first day of Autumn, also known as Fall, the temperature was supposed to be way cooler than 100 degrees, as in the high 70s, low 80s.

So, with those promised possible chilly temperatures I thought the first day of Fall would be a nice time to stroll through the backwoods of the Lucy Park Jungle.

The jungle stroll did turn out to be nice, but not nearly as chilly as I had hoped. Instead, the air was heated well into the 80s, with little breeze blowing, and with the humidity high.

However, I am choosing to believe that the days to follow are going to be as chilly as forecasted.

I need to amp up my aerobic activity to melt off all the weight I have managed to gain whilst slothily avoiding outdoor aerobic stimulation at the level to which I am usually stimulated, which usually maintains my weight at a relatively skinny level.

I will soon need to be able to comfortably fit into long pants. I think I currently have four pair of pants which can comfortable be installed...

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