Saturday, September 28, 2024

Final September Saturday Sikes Lake Nature Communing

With the temperature in the low 80s, with a strong wind breezing, it was to Sikes Lake I ventured on this final September Saturday to commune with nature under a bright blue sky.

In the photo documentation you are looking west from the middle of the bridge at the west end of the lake, overlooking the currently blue Blue Lagoon of Sikes Lake.

There were some fellow nature communers today, but I would have thought the number of nature communers would have been larger, what with the perfect weather conditions.

September flew by super fast. Time seems to be accelerating. Is this a function of getting older? I don't like it. October will come and go just as fast. By then we will be in that time of year known as the Holiday Season.

Not my favorite time of the year.

Yesterday I saw Christmas stuff has already been set up in Walmart.

The older I get the Grinchier I get...

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