Tuesday, September 17, 2024

DO NOT ENTER Drought Stricken Sikes Lake

As the days of Summer dwindle down to a precious few, it was back to Sikes Lake I ventured on this third Tuesday of September. Sikes Lake has done a lot of evaporating since last I was at this location.

I do not know what the danger is which warrants CAUTION DO NOT ENTER signs. Maybe the exposed lake bottom has a quicksand potential.

The north end of Sikes Lake is in severe drought. The south end of Sikes Lake is not yet in severe drought mode, as photo evidenced below.

In this view we are standing on the bridge at the west end of Sikes Lake, looking east. The lake has turned shallow at this location, but not yet to the muddy bottom exposing level of shallow.

I saw birds standing out in the water, indicating how shallow the water is.

What with Sikes Lake not being very deep I do not quite see the need for NO SWIMMING, BOATING OR KAYAKING signs. I don't think the lake is deep enough to float a boat. Or swim in.

We had what turned out to be a brief respite from excessive HEAT.

Summer is currently ending with day after day of the temperature nearing or going over 100 degrees. 

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