Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Cemetery Hiking With Woolley Snow & McNutty Boy Band

Riverside Cemetery, adjacent to Lucy Park, is becoming my favorite location to get in some walking exercise to acquire the relaxing endorpins which come from aerobic stimulation.

There really are few places as peaceful as a cemetery.

Today I realized hiking Riverside Cemetery is the closest thing I have in Wichita Falls to hiking the Tandy Hills in Fort Worth.

I miss hiking the Tandy Hills. Like the Tandy Hills, Riverside Cemetery has miles of a maze of trails, in the form of narrow roads, most paved, some not. Though not as hilly as the Tandy Hills, Riverside Cemetery does have some up and down zones.

Riverside Cemetery is huge. Walking the perimeter takes about half an hour, at a fast walking pace. The only other hilly hiking location in this town is the Wichita Bluff Nature Area of the Circle Trail. Trouble is that is just a straight hike, as in, walk as long as you want, then turn around and walk the same route back. Like the Tandy Hills, at Riverside Cemetery there is basically a maze of routes one can hike, with no backtracking needed.

As you can see, blue sky prevails at my location. And the winter heat wave continues. Today in the upper 70s. But, this comes to an end on the first day of the new year, with the high that day now predicted to be 39, with the low chilling to 16.

Meanwhile, back in my old home zone of the Skagit Valley, most people I hear from are currently snowbound, unable to go anywhere via motorized means.

Miss Beth, on Facebook shared the below photo of what the outside of her Sedro Woolley abode currently looks like.

And then, from the opposite side of the country, as in the state of Virginia, I was sent that which you see below.

I believe what we are seeing here is Madame McNutty being helped do yoga poses by her boy band, called the McNutters, which Madame McNutty is coaching and teaching elaborately choreographed dance moves.

Here we see Madame McNutty demonstrating one of those aforementioned dance moves. So graceful. One can almost see the fluidity of motion even though this is just a still photograph.

I am looking forward to seeing the McNutters first video production. It should be epic...

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