There is a hot tub adjacent to the pool. I figured it would not be a good thing to get in it because getting out would feel way too cold. I've learned otherwise. Today after a half hour in the cold I got into the hot. Then I got back in the cold. And to my surprise that felt good. Basically I think I've totally de-sensitized my nerve endings.

It was hot enough that going roller blading shirtless seemed the only sensible thing to do. I thought that sort of thing was over for the year.
There was what seemed to be a slightly crazy lady walking the trail that leads out of Quanah Parker Park. She said something to me, so I stopped and said, pardon me, what did you say? What followed seemed to be gibberish, all said with a smile. She seemed harmless. But you never know with those crazy people types.
you look mean
so give me the dirt on you & Lulu...what happened that was SO bad?
Is that a doo-rag and fingerless gloves that you have on?
Thank you for thinking I look mean, anonymous. That is not a doo-rag on my head, it's called a baseball cap worn backwards. And no, those are not fingerless gloves that I have on, they are roller blade wrist guards. As for Lulu and dirt, I really have no idea what happened, that's what was so perplexing. Suffice to say, the month in Tacoma was very disturbing.
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