Well, this person, far more harsh in the opinion department than I, opined that there should be laws passed. That if the government can control what drugs adults can buy due to certain drugs being detrimental to a person's well-being, then the same principle should apply to what a person is allowed to buy that is contributing to our nation's #1 health problem.
So, this anti-obesity fanatic suggested that obese persons should not be allowed to buy and consume certain foods, like cookies, donuts, pies, well, basically anything that is high caloric, high fat and empty of nutrition.
The fanatic thinks anyone who helps an obese person get around the Food Prohibition by buying them their donuts, that that enabling person should be charged with the crime of aiding and abetting an obese person.
The fanatic thinks obese people should have to pay more to fly. Why should the healthy weighted subsidize the obese person's flight? It costs more airplane fuel to haul those extra pounds.
Obviously obese people should not be allowed in buffets. That would have cut Zorro's Buffet's business by about 25% today. But once again, how is it fair that an obese person pays the same at a buffet as a healthy-weighted person? I doubt Zorro's makes much money off the obese people. I should have taken a picture of some of the mounds of food on the obese people's plates. But that would have been a little tacky.
Now, I know there is a school of thought that maintains that the obese are doing a heroic thing, contributing to our National Strategic Fat Preserve. If times get tough the obese can live off their stored reserves while the rest of us go hungry. I think this school of thought is ridiculous.
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