Show Highlight: "We still can't get a look into Bill Ayers or Jeremiah Wright or Tony Rezko or any of these other people allied with Obama, but we gotta look into Sarah Palin's wardrobe. Most candidates get their designer clothes for free, folks. She actually paid for them like a regular person."
The media smears Sarah Palin (the very kind of woman they claim to care about) for buying clothes. Who paid for Hillary's pantsuits, Pelosi's pearls, and Biden's hair plugs? You couldn't pay off one of Tim Mahoney's mistresses for 150 grand, or Jesse Jackson's, or John Edwards' -- not to mention the $80,000 Spitzer spent on hookers!
Obama "rushes" to his grandmother's bedside (after three days). He says you have to "put family first." Uh, how many of his half-siblings are living in squalor in huts?
The markets are hysterical on fear of a tax-raising, anti-business Obama presidency. Small businesses are terrified out there.
If Obama is so confident, why do he and Ed Rendell have to lie to old folks and try to scare them into voting Democrat? McCain will NOT cut Medicare or Social Security. Even Obama TV, MSNBC, says so.
Brian Williams asked McCain and Palin who "elitists" are, and they gave great answers. It's not an address; it's an attitude that you're better and smarter than others.
Pearl of Wisdom: "We don't get truth from the Drive-Bys Media, yet we live in a world that's ultimately governed by reality. Propaganda couldn't keep the Soviet Union afloat, and propaganda will not protect the media from collapse, either."
A caller asks why liberal Jewish folks support Obama. It's simple: to a liberal, liberalism is their religion and their #1 loyalty. Everything else takes a back seat.
We have a growing dependent class in this country -- and, of course, who are their biggest champions? Well, the Democrat Party is considered to be the party of caring and the little guy. But look at the lives of the people they claim to help. Have their lives improved after 40 years of Democrat "help," or are they still living in misery?
It was $150,000 not 250k. It was their money to spend...don't get me wrong but the hypocrisy on both sides makes me vomit. Too much is spent on a popularity contest. I find it all quite appalling. Don't forget John Edwards and his $400 haircut on a plane...and he is all about the blue collar man...please...what a bunch of fucking hypocrites. I am so disgusted by both parties.
ALL OF YOU WHO THINK OBAMA IS THE ANSWER ARE LIKE THE JONES' CLAN in line at the KOOl-AID BOWL. MCCLAIN_ITES ARE JUST AS BAD. We are all to blame for not being responsible citizens. Politicians haven't made it better. I think we're in worse straits than post 9/11. This country is not paying attention. Change comes from each of us...not just one person...that is the lazy way out. Take responsibility for your own actions...don't be pigs, don't think you need everything you see on TV. Wake up. Get it together.
sorry, D. Just really pissed about the entire situation today. My BFF's brother committed suicide last night. His issues were with addiction. He left behind 2 little kids and a wake of heartache. If only....
RIP, BP...ox lulu
What I read was 250K had been alotted. But not all spent. Today's version has the clothes costing nothing, being donated to charity. I pretty much only believe what I see anymore, and sometimes that isn't good enough.
Don't apologize for venting, Lulu. It's what I'm here for. Sorry about your BFF's brother. That's awful.
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