My one and only visit to the Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup occurred about a week after I got my first video camcorder. The video I made of that visit was the first I put on YouTube. It has generated some interesting comments. With a fresh one today being the most well-reasoned among them.
Two hours ago leotheroach had this to say....
Rattlesnakes are relatively slow to mature, have only modest litters, and are already adversely affected by habitat destruction and persecution. These events remove thousands of animals, including large numbers of reproductively mature animals. Since rattlesnakes are an apex predator, a sudden decline in their population could have ecological consequences, particularly for the rodents they typically feed on.
A week ago dumdeedum2 had this to say...
I hate hate hate snakes. But this annual event - especially the snake taunting - seems very cruel and unnecessary.
A month ago FuzzyLogic0101 had this to say...
Animal abuse. . .period! These people have no idea what impact on the environment this causes. For that matter the thought never crossed their mind about the environment. I definitely understand and feel garter10895 anger on this, It's disturbing. I unfortunately live in Alabama where they hold one of these horrid events. It's in Opp, Alabama. The name is about the same size of the town. Morons...
4 months ago DNR001 had this to say...
It amazes me how people can spend one day torturing and making a mockery out of some of God's most fascinating animals and wake up and go to church the next day. Not only are rattlesnake round-ups cruel and inhumane, they are also very destructive to the environment. Habitats are thoughtlessly destroyed. Gasoline is sprayed into dens and burrows, driving snakes out, but this also kills many other animals that use them as shelter. Humans use and abuse this snake for their entertainment.
5 months ago yikeroo3 had this to say...
Okay, I do not like snakes. This event is very creepy to me.
5 months ago idn had this to say...
Pathetic display. Get bitten please.
6 months ago tjensensandiego had this to say...
what is wrong with these perverts?
6 months ago garter10895 had this to say...
this rattlesnake roundup is a sick sick ****ing thing you all know what causes sickness in food right, its mice and rats, which they eat, and of your worried about them remember that hawks eat them, and this is inhumane, and soon they will shut it down!!!
7 months ago avbiker had this to say...
jus to say first no they cant use the venom for anti venom its 3 different snakes in one jar and its not steril and its crule lets see how many snakes we can slaughter heres a cool show they could try bring out there inbred hick kids and see how fuckin deformed they are thats a good show.
Below is the video that generated the comments.
1 comment:
It's obvious by the comments left that none of these people really know what they are talking about. You can make anything seem bad by the way you present it. This event has been going on for years and is the world's largest. West Texas has an ABUNDANCE of rattlesnakes! You even find them resting at your front doors, within the city, sometimes. AS FOR THEIR HABITAT--IT'S QUITE STABLE AND SECURE. Animals were put on this earth for human needs. EVERY snake that is caught is milked (you get bit by a rattlesnake in this area--you'll be alright--due to the treatment you receive from the anti-venom). The snakes are not mistreated. People are educated in safety--since there is an abundance. Every bit of the snake is processed/used--the venom--the meat--the skins--the rattles. Honestly, you have a small bit of information to be judging so harshly. Check out the facts before you go rambling on.
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