Friday, May 16, 2008

Chamberlain, Hitler, Appeasement and an Idiot Named Kevin James

Pet Peeve. Loudmouth know-it-alls who spout clueless nonsense. King George yesterday in Israel made reference to the appeasement of Hitler in 1938. Bush was a tad non-specific on the details, but it sounded like it was a dig at Obama.

Last night on Hardball on MSNBC Chris Matthews had 2 guests, one of whom was a conservative radio yammerer named Kevin James.

Kevin James was really loud with a real loudmouth affect, like he thought the louder he shouted the more his nonsense made sense. He was way too animated which made him seem even stupider.

After a couple minutes of it Chris Matthews had had enough and in one of the more amusing things I've seen of late he asked this Kevin James moron what Neville Chamberlain did in 1938.

It was so obvious this James guy had absolutely no clue as to why the word appeasement and Neville Chamberlain are tied together. He also did not understand that Obama's "talk to our enemies" idea is not what appeasement is.

In other words, Kevin James seems to be yet one more sad example of our need to improve our education system.

How can a grown American not know the history of WWII?

Sadly, I know many, many, many, way too many, don't have a clue about our nation's history. That's how a fear-mongering president can blow way out of proportion a bad problem, that being barbaric, backward terrorists, and cause people to think we are facing the worst enemy we've ever faced.

Today is the best of times compared to the hell that was World War II. There are no Hitlers in today's world who feel they can invade other countries without getting in trouble for it.

The only country that today comes close to Hitlerian Blitzkrieging is the world's sole Hyperpower. There is currently no other nation on earth that would dare launch an invasion and takeover of another country due to the fear that that country might have some dangerous weapons.

So, Obama wants to talk to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is not asking to have a section of Afghanistan returned to Iran. Or a piece of Iraq. If he were, and if Neville Obama were to meet with Ahmadinejad several times, discussing the Iranians demands for more land, and if Neville Obama were to give in to the Iranians demands and agree that the Iranian army could occupy the disputed territories, that would be appeasement.

Barack Obama has not said or done anything remotely reflective of appeasement. The United States has a long history of talking to and negotiating with our enemies. We were talking to the Japanese even as bombs began to fall on Pearl Harbor.

A couple weeks ago I finished the longest book I've ever read. John Tolan's biography of Adolf Hiter. It is considered the definitive Hitler biography. I know more now about Hitler than I ever cared to know. I was somehow going to mix into this appeasement missive how America's conquering of the Indians was one of Hitler's inspirations.

I'll save that for another day. In the meantime watch this YouTube video of yesterday's Chris Matthews Smackdown of a foolish tool.

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