Thursday, April 6, 2017

A Balmy Circle Trail Walk Seeking Wichita Falls Bluebonnets

The spring version of summer-like heat has returned to my location in the zone of Texas known as Texoma.

I was in downtown Wichita Falls this morning, along with masses of other Texoma-ites, happy that this thing called air-conditioning had been invented.

Upon my return to my domicile I decided to enjoy the balmy blue sky via a walk on the Circle Trail which circles by my abode, seeking seeing my first bluebonnet of this blooming season.

In the above view you are looking north, with that aforementioned Circle Trail barely visible among the trees on the left. A dirt path used for horse travel parallels the Circle Trail and Holliday Creek at this location

As you can see, Holliday Creek is not in rampaging rapids mode, currently, as it ambles down Holliday Gorge on its way to its intersection with the muddy red waters of the Wichita River.

So far spring at my location in Tornado Alley has been mild, weather-wise. The closest lightning has struck has been several miles from my location. I have only heard the tornado sirens when they are in test mode, which happened yesterday. It is startling when those sirens go off without warning.

In Fort Worth the tornado sirens are tested every Wednesday at noon, if I remember right. The noise may have come an hour later. In Wichita Falls there seems to be no set schedule for testing the tornado sirens.

According to the current forecast the upcoming Sunday and Monday are the next points in time where lightning may be striking, hail pelting, wind blowing, and a tornado possible.

I always wait til I hear a nearby boom before I go to the bother of battening down my hatches...

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