When I first talked to Lynda's nice mom it was the noise that vexed her.
And then Lynda sent me the new message telling me about chemical odors that had been wafting into her breathing space, making her mom miserable.
Yesterday Lynda sent me a new message, with good news...
Lynda, the nice lady's daughter again...I didn't know if you heard, but the day after you posted this, the gas drilling rig was taken down...I don't know exactly what happened, but it is gone!!
Thank you for all you do.
I don't know what the current status of this particular gas drilling operation is. Shut down?
When I first blogged about this gas drilling operation I said I was appalled at how close the drilling tower was to the apartment complex. One of the tenants told me that the rig was 40 yards from the residences. That is 120 feet. Not the 800 feet I thought was the necessary distance.
I think I said something about Arlington having a history of abusing its citizens in their homes.
Did someone go check out this drilling operation and realize it was way too close to where people are living? And order it halted?
Did someone, somewhere, in an official capacity, actually do the right thing for once regarding gas driller bad behavior?
Or is Lynda's nice mom just experiencing a lull, to be followed by water delivery and fraccing?
On a different, yet somewhat related note. Yesterday I saw that there was no White Darth Vader Truck guarding the Beach Street/Gateway Park Express Energy water removal operation.
Did someone, somewhere, in an official capacity, order Express Energy to stay off the paved public Trinity Trails? And to quit trying to intimate citizens walking on the public trail, taking pictures? Did someone alarm the Army Corps of Engineers regarding the damage being done by Express Energy Services to the Trinity River levee? Did someone from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality tell Express Energy to knock it off? Were the Express Energy White Darth Vader Trucks visited by the Fort Worth Police regarding their lawbreaking?
Or was the White Darth Vader Truck, and its goons, just taking a break when I drove by yesterday?
I'm afraid the last possibility is the most likely one, seeings how I don't think anything has happened that has lifted the protective bubble that protects Fort Worth and its surrounding area from being subject to the laws, ethics and sense of right and wrong that guides the rest of America.
Please tell nice lady and her daughter, not to get too excited, the one behind the house I rented went up and down for better part of a year. I don't know enough to know WHY they go thru the trouble of building it and removing it just to put it back...
Hi Durango.
This is Lynne Mcgee. (the lady in the VW)
You are never going to believe the latest. I went by the entrance of the site on Weds. and saw 2 tank trucks coming out of the driveway at about 8pm. A few days later I came home and at the same site, there is a white tower up with an Exxon flag on top. No noise or chemicals yet. I have no idea what is going on. Any ideas?
Thank you for all of your insight and support for all of us.
Until next time, take care.
I've no clue what those bad boys are up to. Interesting that the culprit has finally identified itself. Maybe I'll head your way today and take a new picture with the Exxon label.
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