The event was Seattle's No Pants! Light Rail Ride. A group called Improv organized No Pants! events in towns across America.
Seattle's No Pants! planners had a Facebook page where you could register to take your pants off. Over 500 participated in riding without their pants, from downtown Seattle's Westlake Center Light Rail Train Station all the way to Sea-Tac International Airport Station.
Now, here in the Dallas/Fort Worth area there was no organized No Pants! event. But, on Sunday, around 3pm, the DART train took off from Union Station in downtown Dallas and headed towards Garland.
By the time the DART train got to the West End Station 3 riders had their pants off. Eventually around 70 people were riding 2 different DART trains without their pants, going in two different directions.
Prior to boarding the eventually pantless were given their instructions, get on the train, act totally nonchalant, then take your pants off.
Now, in the more organized Seattle and New York City No Pants! events, the pantless were on trains only with fellow pantsless people. In Dallas the pantless were dropping their drawers in front of pants wearing gawkers.
911 calls were made to the police.
A DART police officer warned the pantless that taking of their pants off was against the law, it being disorderly conduct that could put you in jail or get you fined.
Scoffing the law the Dallas rebels continued to take off their pants and split in to two groups on 2 different trains. One group taking the Red Line to Plano, the other the aformentioned Blue Line to Garland.
In the end, no one was arrested, no one was fined. Many of the onlookers found it amusing.
Chuckles erupted each time the automaed DART Rail voice announced that, "Riders should beware of suspicious activity and unattended packages."
As for me, had I known this was going on in Dallas I would have headed there. Any opportunity to take off my pants in odd situations sounds fun to me.
Actually, I don't get the point. It seems like a pretty goofy event to me. I suspect by next year's No Pants! event day, Dallas will be well organized, with New York City numbers of pantsless Texans.
Can Dallas participating in next year's Worldwide Naked Bike Ride Day be far behind? I tell you this formerly repressed area of the world that I'm currently living in is getting so liberated.
Awww...I miss all the good stuff...:(
Um, Dallas isn't part of your repressed world ... remember? You are in Fart Worth. Dallas and Funkytown might as well not even be in the same metro area, that's how much cooler Dallas is! :P I was about an hour too early to see any of this. I was riding the train around 2 ... :( Dang. I would have so joined in, haha.
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