I had me a night. Usually I go to bed early. Last night I did not turn out my reading light til a half hour past midnight. I tossed and turned til past 2:30 AM.
And then the nightmares started up, waking me up over and over again.
I slept in til almost 7. That rarely, if ever, happens.
I've dug out my long underwear and ski gloves and other seldom used cold weather gear. I'm going to go hiking the Tandy Hills today.
I am on a soup diet due to my sloth related unsightly weight gain. Yesterday I made Cream of Broccoli Soup. There is some of that left over, but today I wanted Tomato Soup, so that's what I made. I don't know why anyone would buy pre-made soup, due to it being so fast and easy to make homemade, much healthier, soup.
Lunch is around 2 this afternoon. Don't be late.
Will you share your recipe for Tomato Soup?
I don't do recipes, but I can describe how I make my version of Tomato Soup.
I cook up one cup of whole grain rice in the rice cooker.
I dice up 1 whole onion, 10 or so garlic cloves and about a cup of celery.
I heat up some olive oil in the soup kettle. Throw in the chopped up stuff and stir around til the onion is cooked. About 5 minutes, maybe.
Then I add 2 large cans of tomato sauce and 1 large can of petite diced tomatoes.
Heat it all over a medium temp to the point of boiling, but don't let it boil, reduce the temp to simmer when it gets to the boiling point.
I don't add any salt, there's enough salt in the tomato sauce. I add a little pepper. And a couple tablespoons of brown sugar to amp up the tomato flavor.
When the rice is done I mix it in, along with a cup, or so, of skim milk and about a half cup of fat free sour cream.
I then turn the heat off, stick the lid on, and let the soup get tastier til it's time for lunch.
When it's lunchtime I sprinkle Parmesan on top of the soup in the bowl.
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