Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Chesapeake Energy Makes Mother Nature Weep in Fort Worth

Incoming from Don Young about something interesting that has showed up on Scott Avenue, near where Chesapeake Energy is making big holes in some special ground. On Monday I blogged about what is happening on Scott Avenue.

Below is the message from Don Young....

Near the entrance of the newest Chesapeake Energy pad-site in east Fort Worth, Texas, an anonymous artist has installed a painting of, I think, a weeping Mother Nature.

The large canvas is tied to a utility pole at 2900 Scott Avenue. It is festooned with all manner of jewels and other objects. There is a purse attached to one corner and a scene of feeding pigs in another. A skull and other icons are depicted.

Just down the hill, giant earth-raping machines, their motors screaming and their exhaust filling the neighborhood, carve away at what was, last week, one of the most beautiful hills in Fort Worth.

What does the painting symbolize? Who is it directed at? Mayor Moncrief? Chesapeake? The mineral owner? The Gas Drilling Task Force? The city staffers who permitted the gas well? The children of the future? You and me?

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