Monday, September 16, 2024

Remembering My Habitat In The Hamlet Of Haslet

A Microsoft OneDrive Memory from this Day in this morning's email that I remember, well, the location, not the day the photo was taken, that I do not remember.

The location, the little hamlet of Haslet, a suburb at the far north end of Fort Worth. 

This house in Haslet was my first Texas abode. This abode eventually became my least favorite abode I have ever aboded in. 

I did like the swimming pool, though.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Saturday Looking For Mount Rushmore But Ending Up In Mexico & Other Places

This second Saturday morning of September I found myself looking through folders of photos, looking for photos from a roadtrip taken way back in, I think, 1992, give or take a year. 

I was hoping to find photos of Glacier National Park, that park's Going to the Sun Highway, Devil's Tower in Wyoming, and the Black Hills in South Dakota, with Deadwood and Mount Rushmore. Also Wall Drugstore, in South Dakota.

But, though I know those photos are somewhere on this computer, I could not find them. If I had it to do over I would be much more organized with how I save files.

I did find several photos of folders from another trip, later in the 1990s. Photos of the second time I did a Lake Powell houseboat float, along with mountain biking in Moab, including the Slickrock Trail, which is what you see above. Me on the left, on my now long gone Schwinn Moab mountain bike, Big Ed on the right, on another long gone mountain bike. I think Wanda took the photo.

That roadtrip, back in the late 1990s, was a long one, in addition to four days of houseboating, several days in Moab, there was Monument Valley, Mexican Hat. Durango and Silverton in Colorado. Then on to New Mexico and Taos, then south New Mexico to Alamogordo, then White Sands National Monument, which I think is a National Park now, then west to Tombstone and Yuma in Arizona, crossing over into Mexico, then north to Las Vegas, before beelining it back to Washington.

I have not been on a roadtrip since October of 2019. This has been my longest roadtrip drought. I feel this situation needs to be alleviated...

Friday, September 13, 2024

Riding With Mr. Spiffy Via WAYMO All Over The Phoenix Area

From July of 2017 til July of 2019 I found myself in Arizona multiple times. Twice via driving, multiple times via flying.

During each of those Arizona visits, whilst driving around in the Phoenix metro area, I would see WAYMO self-driving test cars on the road, being tested. 

When a WAYMO car would pull up next to me at a stoplight I could see there was no driver, but there was someone in the passenger seat.

This seemed a tad unsettling to me. 

And now, a couple days ago, on Facebook, via the DFW entity known as Dapper John, aka Mr. Spiffy, I learned WAYMO is now active. Mr. Spiffy used WAYMO to transport himself all around the Phoenix area, including the airport.

I have driven into the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport multiple times. Doing so is a tad stressful, particularly at rush hour.

I remember a particularly stressful drive to the Phoenix airport, with mom in the passenger seat, next to me, and Linda Lou in the backseat, being delivered to the airport. I nearly had a wreck moving over a couple lanes to get to the airport exit.

Mr. Spiffy seemed quite pleased with how well WAYMO worked, basically a driver-less UBER.

And now, this morning, I read WAYMO is coming to Austin. 

Soon, I am sure WAYMO will be here in Wichita Falls...

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Picking Wild Mountain Volcano Blueberries With A Pain In My Neck

Microsoft OneDrive Memories from this Day that I do remember, and that actually may have happened in September.

A September way back in the previous century. The year 1997 or 1998.

The location is Schriebers Meadow in the Mount Baker National Recreation Area. Schriebers Meadow is the location of the most popular trailhead taking hikers eventually up the slopes of Mount Baker, along with many scenic side trails.

Schriebers Meadow is also the location of a vast field of wild mountain blueberries, which is what we are this location to do. Pick blueberries.

The photo at the top, and the photo below, was taken with my antique Casio digital camera, with its unique, at the time, ability to reverse the lens, enabling the taking of what are now known as selfies. 

In the selfie at the top, that woman on my shoulder, being a pain in my neck, is picking blueberries. Eventually that woman would continue being a pain in my neck, all the way to Texas.

 A view of Mount Baker from Schriebers Meadow.

It was about a 40-mile drive from my Mount Vernon abode to the Schriebers Meadow location.

I do not know what motivated me to initiate a blueberry picking expedition to Schriebers Meadow. I had more blueberries than I was ever able to consume due to blueberry bushes I planted on my rooftop deck.

It seems so long ago, now, that I lived so close to a volcano, and a scenic wonderland.

Mountains to the east, saltwater beaches to the west. Actually, mountains were visible east, west, south and north. But, the mountains, that were the nearest, as in the Cascade Mountains, were thus the most accessible from my home base location.

Sometimes I wonder if I will ever see a mountain, again, before my time on the planet is terminated...

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A Memorable Return To Taos New Mexico With Green Salsa

Microsoft OneDrive Memories of this Day which I remember fondly. But, the month was October, not September. I think the year was 1997. Maybe 1998.

What I do remember is this was the last long roadtrip I have tripped on. And boated on.

Houseboating on Lake Powell
, followed by taking the Moki Dugway to Mexican Hat and Monument Valley. Then Moab for some mountain biking and hiking. Then Durango and Silverton before making it to Taos, New Mexico. After Taos it was south to Alamogordo. Then west to Bisbee and Tombstone, Arizona. Ending up that day in Yuma, going to Algodones, Mexico the following day. Then north to Las Vegas, staying in Luxor. From Vegas it was north, with a night in Tonopah, or was it Hawthorne? Then a couple days in Reno, before the final leg back to Washington.

I liked everything about Taos. The town square at night seemed like Disneyland at night, to me. Outdoor eating venues, beautiful lighting, lots of people, music.

And then there was bike riding all over Taos, including to the north end of town, to the Taos Pueblo. The Taos Pueblo smelled so good. I think the predominant fragrance was sage. And Indian Fry Bread.

Just about the best Mexican food I have ever enjoyed was at a Taos restaurant called Fred's. Odd name for a Mexican restaurant. The New Mexican version of Mexican food is different than the American Mexican food norm. Or Tex-Mex. There is always green salsa at a New Mexican Mexican restaurant.

And Hatch Chiles always factor into New Mexican Mexican food.

Taos is one of the locations I have enjoyed which I would like to return to. Perhaps I will do that one day soon...

Monday, September 9, 2024

Monday Morning Wichita Bluff Nature Area Nature Communing

With the temperature in the 70s, and the humidity low, with a slight breezing blowing, it was back to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area I ventured on this second Monday of September for some salubrious hilly hiking and nature communing.

In the photo documentation you are at the highest point on the bluffs, looking towards the northwest, with two swinging benches available for your sitting needs.

I had no need to sit, and so continued on.

The temperature being way below 100 degrees, after so many weeks of sweltering, seems way more noticeable than previous times when the cooler time of the year arrives.

Last night the A/C had no reason to turn itself on. The ceiling fan above my bed was not spinning.

By about 3 in the morning, it was chilly enough that I contemplated getting off the bed and finding a blanket. But, I did not do so, but will do so before bedtime arrives tonight...

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Cool Sunday Sikes Lake Walking With Herons

On this second September Sunday it was to Sikes Lake I joined the throngs walking around the lake, enjoying the almost chilly, well, way below 100 degree, temperature.

A breeze blowing and low humidity, along with the temperature being in the low 70s made for the outer world at my location being about the best it ever gets.

In the photo documentation you are looking west, from the middle of the bridge at the west end of the lake, across the greenish-brown Sikes Lake lagoon.

A blue heron, at least that is what I think it was, was in the water at the right side of the photo. I can not make out the bird in the photo. Maybe it flew away whilst I was getting my phone out of its pocket.

Methinks I am going to be greatly enjoying the outer world the next couple months, after making it through the current way too sizzling summer...

Saturday, September 7, 2024

September Saturday Lucy Park Jungle Hike With Hoverboards

It was back to Lucy Park I ventured on this first Saturday of September for some pleasantly temperatured nature communing via hiking the Lucy Park backwoods jungle.

It is two weeks, plus one day, til Fall falls upon us. When Fall falls it always seems that the holiday season quickly arrives.

I am not much of a fan of the holiday season.

Today Lucy Park was busy. Lots of disc golfers, roller bladers, walkers, bikers, baby carriage pushers, dog walkers, picnickers.

And a little boy motoring along on a small hover board, down on his haunches to do so, creating an unusual visual. I did not take a photo of the little boy hoverboarding, due to the fact that some parents do not take kindly to such...

Friday, September 6, 2024

Remembering Mom & Dad At Ocean Shores With Sister Michele Rogue Waving

Arriving in my email, a Microsoft OneDrive Memory from this Day that I do remember.

Except it was a day in August, not September.

The year was 2001.

I'd driven solo from Texas back to Washington to be a surprise arrival at my mom and dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary Party, which was to take place on August 11, because that day was a convenient Saturday, whilst their actual anniversary date of August 6 was an inconvenient Monday.

August 11 also happens to be my birthday. When I went to my mom and dad's 40th Anniversary Party, on Samish Island, ten years prior, that also was on an August 11 Saturday.

On the August 11, 2001 instance, after my surprise arrival, a quick happy birthday card was fashioned. I think I still have that in a box somewhere in my abode.

At the point in time of that August 2001 visit to Washington, mom and dad were still spending the warm time of the year in a cabin at Lake Cushman, on the Olympic Peninsula, before spending the cold time of the year in Arizona.

So, at some point in time after the anniversary party I drove out to Lake Cushman, and then rode with mom and dad to Ocean Shores, on the Pacific Coast, where sister Jackie, and others were staying in a beachfront hotel.

Ocean Shores has always been one of my favorite Washington locations.

In that photo at the top we'd driven to the end of the Ocean Shores road which leads to the entry to Grays Harbor. This is a great whale viewing location, along with seeing some big waves. That would be mom and dad looking at you in the above photo.

And, in the second above photo, that is sister Jackie, and my all-time favorite brother-in-law, Jack, sitting on one of the rocks which serve as a barrier to incoming waves at the entry to Grays Harbor.

Back to that photo of mom and dad, at the top.

Years prior I had one of my most memorable experiences ever at this location.

It was a Sunday. I'd driven over to the coast, from Ellensburg, for the weekend. I think it may have been the Easter weekend. David, Theo & Ruby's mama Michele was about 4 years old. Maybe 5.

Big Ed, me and little Michele parked at the above Ocean Shores location, and walked out onto the beach, joining dozens of others, many in their having been to church clothes.

The waves were being big. It is a fun thing on the Pacific Coast to be at the edge of the ocean, with the waves crashing in and out. 

And then something happened I had heard of but had never experienced. Suddenly it was obvious an incoming wave was much bigger than those previously crashing.

A rogue wave.

We started running. Eventually I picked up Michele so we could run faster. I got us up on a big chunk of driftwood, thinking the wave would not get that high.

I was wrong. We were washed off the driftwood. 

But, soon the force of the wave abated. We were soaking wet. And I had some explaining to do when we returned to my mother's location.

I have asked Michele previously what she remembers of this. She has absolutely zero recollection. For me, it is as vivid as if it happened yesterday...

Thursday, September 5, 2024

David, Theo & Ruby Caught By Giant Wooden Troll On Bainbridge Island Before Escaping To Poulsbo's Little Norway

 Incoming email from Tacoma, with the subject line of "Where in the PNW?".

Text in the email containing not much of a clue...

"Two different, but geographically close, locations."

Well, there is currently a thing in the Pacific Northwest, Washington, specifically, were large wooden trolls take up residence at various locations in the Puget Sound zone.

I think the troll which has David, Theo and Ruby it its grasp is known at Pia the Peacekeeper.

Pia resides on Bainbridge Island. 

The second photo I can only guess at, with the geographically close clue being all I have to go on.

Bainbridge Island is accessed via ferry, from Seattle. I do not remember if one can drive onto Bainbridge Island from the Olympic Peninsula side, via a bridge, or if the Vashon Island ferry in Tacoma is a route to a bridge, or other ferry to Bainbridge Island.

So, I am guessing this pirate ship mural in front of which Ruby, Theo and David are standing, is located near, or at, the Bainbridge Island ferry terminal.

No, upon further reflection, I think where the Tacoma Trio is standing is the town of Poulsbo, in the section of that town known as Little Norway.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Lucy Park Naturally Air-Conditioned On First Wednesday Of August

With the outer world chilled chillier than I chill my interior space, with the temperature in the low 70s, I ventured back to Lucy Park this first Wednesday of September, for some perfectly pleasant nature communing via hiking through the Lucy Park backwoods jungle.

As you can see via the phone photo documentation of the Lucy Park suspension bridge, green foliage is not yet succumbing to the coming regularly scheduled autumn color change, along with the annual epidemic leaf droppage.

I thought today, with the cloud cover blocking the sun, with the outer world being naturally air-conditioned, that Lucy Park would be busy.

But, it was not.

I only saw two other humans. Even on a super HOT day I see way more humans than just two.

Rain was on the weather menu for this morning. But, once again, the forecast failed. No drippage.

Perhaps drippage will arrive later today, when I make my way to ALDI...

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Remembering The Dallas Farmers Market With Mom & Dad

 Microsoft OneDrive Memory from this Day, in my email, this morning, where I do remember both the location and the date, well, the month.

That is my mom, looking perplexed, in the Dallas Farmers Market

Mom and dad visited Texas twice whilst I have been residing in Texas. The first time, a month after 9/11, in October of 2001.

Mom and dad's second visit to Texas was in January of 2009.

I remember mom and dad enjoyed the Dallas Farmers Market on that first visit. It was festooned in pumpkins for Halloween. Mom and dad were a bit bored with the visit to the Dealey Plaza Book Depository, but perked way up at the Dallas Farmers Market.

I think the above photo was from the January 2009 Dallas Farmers Market visit.

Is the market that busy in January? I know in 2009 I drove mom and dad onto the Dallas Fair Park grounds for a close up look at the Cotton Bowl. Fair Park is fairly close to the Dallas Farmers Market.

That 2009 visit from mom and dad seems so recent in my memory. But, it was 15 years ago...

Monday, September 2, 2024

Labor Day Hike To Mount Wichita Summit Swallowing Flies

With the outer world chilled into the upper 70s, with a strong wind blowing, but with the humidity high, I ventured to Lake Wichita Park on this Labor Day of 2024 to join the throngs enjoying the welcome chill and thick cloud cover, with that cloud cover predicted to drop some rain and send down some lightning bolts.

But, so far, no drippage and thunder clapping.

That view above is looking east towards the Mount Wichita pseudo volcano, from the new section of the Circle Trail.

It has been many a month since I have hiked myself all the way to the summit of Mount Wichita. And, so, I decided to do so today.

The view from the summit of Mount Wichita, looking southwest across Lake Wichita.

That gray pavement you see in the middle of the photo is the Veterans Memorial which was not there the last time I hiked my way to this mountain's summit.

I had an unpleasant thing happen as I neared Mount Wichita's summit. A fly flew into my open mouth. I do not recollect such a thing happening previously. It was a bit unsettling. Eventually either the fly died, or I managed to cough him out of my throat.

I suspect my outdoor activity is going to be amping up this month, with the long HOT summer starting to fade.

Soon, I suspect, I shall be hunting for wherever it is I stored my sweatpants...

Labor Day Virtual Visit To Oklahoma's Turner Falls

Way back when I first moved to Texas, I found myself at a party, with people from all over America, but, mostly Texans.

At some point us Pacific Northwesterners were asked our opinion of Texas. I forget how the query was framed.

We all, I think there were five of us transplanted PNWers, made mention of the fact of missing seeing scenic scenery no matter what direction one looked. That the mostly flat Texas landscape was so different from what we'd been used to.

Well, one of the Texas locals said we should venture south to Texas Hill country, maybe checking out Enchanted Rock. Or, head north to Oklahoma, to the Arbuckle Mountains, and visit Turner Falls.

And so, that first Texas summer we drove north to Oklahoma, to Turner Falls, and had a mighty fine scenic time.

If you ever find yourself driving I-35 in Oklahoma, and you realize you are driving through the Arbuckle Mountains, take the exit to the town of Davis, but, do not go east to Davis, go west to Turner Falls. The road quickly turns into mountain scenery, eventually reaching a lookout, looking out over Turner Falls, far below. Make your way down the mountain to the entry to Turner Falls Park. 

Check out my now ancient webpage devoted to Turner Falls Park and you'll see why it is a fun place to visit.

That photo documentation, at the top, is me on the left, Big Ed on the right, sitting outside Outlaw Cave, above Turner Falls. Or were we sitting on part of the castle? The Turner Falls Castle is something to behold.

It was not too many years later I discovered the scenic wonders of Texas Hill country.

Dinosaur Valley State Park was my first Hill Country experience. Dinosaur Valley has some of the best mountain bike trails I have ever rolled on. And is the only place I have biked where I got totally disoriented, as in lost, with the sun starting to set. Dinosaur Valley is also a great hiking location. Miles of trails.

And then there is Enchanted Rock State Park, way further south, in Texas Hill Country. Northwest of Austin, southwest of Waco, a few miles north of Fredericksburg

The hike up Enchanted Rock is unique. There is no trail. You just make your way to the top of the rock.

With the outer world finally beginning to cool down I think I shall soon venture north to Oklahoma, to the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge. Considered by some to be the most scenic location in Oklahoma.

It is only about 50 miles north of my Texas location....

Sunday, September 1, 2024

With My Sister-In-Law Shopping In Wichita Falls

Text message, yesterday, on the final day of August, from my all-time favorite sister-in-law, David, Theo and Ruby's mama, Kristin, with the text message saying...

Wichita Falls is a shopping mecca in the book I am reading!

The above is a phone photo Kristin included with the text message, snapped from the book she is reading, which makes mention of the Wichita Falls shopping mecca.

This book is set back in the previous century. At some point in time, back last century, I believe Dillard's and Penney's were located in downtown Wichita Falls.

When a mall was built, near where I live in Wichita Falls, opening a few decades ago, called Sikes Senter, Dillard's and Penny's moved to the mall.

Dillard's left Sikes Senter back during COVID. Or was it before that? Penney's is currently in the final stages of closing and leaving Sikes Senter.

Wichita Falls is quite a glitzy town. Recently a Hawaiian cuisine restaurant called Hawaiian Brothers opened. I don't think spam is on the menu, but all the Hawaiian plates include macaroni salad, which is Hawaiian Island standard fare. I've learned that from Magnum P.I. and Hawaii 5-0.

Wichita Falls has famously showed up in a movie a time or two. Have you watched The Last Picture Show? The movie which made Cybil Shepherd and Jeff Bridges stars.

In that movie Cybil gets talked into going to a pool party at a house in Wichita Falls. The pool is not an outdoor pool. The pool party was a skinny dipping party, in which Cybil eventually, famously, got the courage to participate. 

Last Picture Show is set in Archer City, a town about 20 miles south of where I am sitting right now. The kids drove to the big city for the pool party, which took place in a house a short distance north of my abode, in the neighborhood I refer to as the Beverly Hills of Wichita Falls.

The Last Picture Show was one of author Larry McMurty's works. The story was inspired by his experiences growing up in Archer City, apparently including going to wild pool parties in Wichita Falls.

I have been in Wichita Falls several years now and have yet to be invited to a skinny-dipping pool party...