I've lost track of how many days in a row we've gone over 100 during this HEAT WAVE. Is it 11? 12? Is there any end in sight?
Yesterday Betty Jo Bouvier told me she thought I should do nothing of the exercise sort yesterday, just lay around and watch TV. I don't even like to do that if I'm sick.
Today I am not sick, but I have not left my abode. I do not remember the last time I had not left my abode by this point in the day.
I did leave, virtually, for a short while to go to Mineral Wells to see about some Crazy Water. A couple weeks ago the aforementioned Betty Jo Bouvier was inquiring about Crazy Water, wondering if its salubrious claims had validity. I know I can say for certain I have never seen a single crazy person in Mineral Wells, which really is not statistically significant evidence that drinking the Mineral Wells water calms down craziness.
I have been hearing from Elsie Hotpepper sporadically. She does not seem to have regular Internet service, as evidenced by cryptic emails sent via the EH Blackberry device.
I heard from Linda Ann today. LA's in Seattle. She is flying in to Austin soon. I told LA if she needs a place to stay she is welcome to the sleeper couch in the attic. The last time LA stayed overnight was decades ago, when I was in college.
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