Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Post Labor Day Lucy Park Lizard Walk

It was back to Lucy Park I went today, the day after Labor Day, to commune with nature via a few miles of high-speed walking.

In the photo we are heading towards the Lucy Park backwoods jungle, under the sun blocking protection provided by the shade of the forest of trees.

As you can see, as summer nears its merciful end, the outer world has turned green at my North Texas location. The rain of the past couple weeks took the grass out of its brown state and back to a more aesthetically pleasing green.

I came upon no snakes or alligators today. I did have multiple encounters with small reptiles, as in lizards. Lizards are cute. Little lizards do not trigger, in me, the repulsed reaction triggered by snakes and alligators.

The temperature was in the 80s whilst walking today. Each day, of late, is seeming more pleasant than the day before...

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