Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Last Time Together Of All Mom & Dad's Children

When I woke up my phone this morning I saw that which you see above, sent by Spencer Jack's dad, my favorite nephew, Jason. Somewhere in my current abode is the hard copy version of this photo. Mom and dad included a framed version of such in a Christmas package a couple Christmases ago.

I believe the above photo documents the last time all my mom and dad's children were assembled at the same time. This was on Saturday, July 27, 2002, at the Lynden Fairgrounds in Lynden, Washington. We were all at this location to attend a Slotemaker-Jones family reunion, which was the biggest such family even in  Slotemaker-Jones family history.

That would be dad and mom sitting in front.  All my favorite nephews are in this photo. From the left we see nephews Joey and Jason, then Joey and Jason's temporary step-mom,  Jill, with their dad, my brother Jake's arm around Jill. Next we have my sister Jackie, standing next to her first husband, my favorite brother-in-law, Jack. Next to Jack is my sister Clancy, then me, in front of Jack and Jackie's first born, my nephew Christopher, then my little sister, Michele, with Christopher's little brother, Jeremy, on the far right.

A 2017 version of this photo, if one had been possible, would have included mom and dad's one and only great-grandson, Spencer Jack, along with nephews David and Theo, and my one and only niece, Ruby.

I should have gone to Arizona this past Christmas....

1 comment:

Aunt Jane said...

Death brings out all the "should haves," doesn't it? Thanks for sharing your memories.