It started with a perfectly plausible question about the water. There were a few perfectly plausible replies. Then Garth Vader replied, to which the Queen of Wink replied, to which Garth Vader turned on his light saber and started swinging.
I tried to inject some sanity. But my conflict resolution skills are very weak.
Eventually Conflict Resolutionist, Jovan, took over and made order of the chaos. This caused Garth Vader to re-read, from the start, all the comments he'd made and caused to be made. Upon doing so, Garth realized he'd over-reacted, and all that followed was a reaction to his over-reaction.
This realization, by Garth, brought about what is believed to be the first ever occurrence of Garth apologizing for one of the instances of him creating conflict.
And then something happened that threatened the Peace Process. I received the Garth Heartfelt Apology message. When I read how contrite he was I immediately hit the 'publish' button.
A few hours went by with the mean-spirited commenting continuing. Garth then commented that I had not published his Heartfelt Apology. This led to more confusion. Eventually it was sorted out and the Garth Heartfelt Apology was published.
I found it a bit odd, this morning, after yesterday's Garth Heartfelt Apology, where he said he took full credit for the overreaction and that he now realized he was wrong, that on Garth's blog this morning he is saying, in a blogging titled The Nightmare is Over, "For the last couple days I have been raked across the coals, drug through the mud, hit below the belt, and verbally abused!"
This seems to indicate to me that Garth still doesn't get it. I don't know what to do. But, I ususally recognize a lost cause when I see one.
One good thing to come out of yesterday's chaos, in reaction to one of Garth's more excessive coal raking, mud dragging, below the belt, verbally abusive comments, I got myself a credible marriage proposal. I hadn't gotten one of those in weeks.
I missed the Garth apology. Could you reprint it here?
Dearest First Voice of Reason (alias Jovan),
After re-reading the entire debacle, I can see where I way overreacted to the initial jab. It has some historical relevance that is not seen here. But I take full credit for the overreaction and I must apologize. I realize now that I was wrong.
However, the resulting train wreck is way too much fun. It's like racing downhill into a vat of fun spewing sulfuric acid with no way to stop.
Nothing gets the blood pumping like some name-calling childlike debate amongst children.
It's an Aquarius trait to look at all sides of an issue and try to find some middle ground. Good on ya!
You miss it don't ya?
But alas, I can't start another stream of sarcastic abuse today.
Normally I am a ball of controlled twine, but today I am afraid not.
Sorry Garth---
Maybe you'll feel up to your usual self tomorrow. Or the day after that.
I'm shocked...you mean I wasn't the first?
I'm having a very confused day. I think I may have turned blonde. You weren't the first what?
Don't worry Durango I'm just glad I'm the last, but I don't think peace has been achieved.
I don't have a secret romance with Durango it's clearly a well publicized one.
I was too optimistic. I can see now, quite clearly, that this was a False Peace. I now think the contagion must be marginalized via quarantine.
My light bulb finally came on, I'm glad you're glad your the last, or, more accurately, the latest.
Ignore that Gar person's vile verbiage. He clearly has issues that are beyond us simple laymen's ability to deal with.
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