Sunday, June 23, 2024

Wichita Falls Wienerfest On National Dachshund Day

I learned via this Sunday morning's Wichita Falls Times Record News that this past Friday was National Dachshund Day.

And that to celebrate this National Dachshund Day the first annual Wienerfest was held at a dog park in Wichita Falls.

The only dog park I know of in this town is located at Lake Wichita Park. As is often the case with the local newspaper, the article is a bit weak on details, such as being specific about the location of the dog park where Wienerfest took place.

I know an elderly lady, currently living in the east coast state of Virginia, who is obsessed with dachshunds, and has adopted many wiener dogs over her many years on the planet. 

The Virginian wiener dog lover currently is the mother of a cute little dachshund named Rocky.

 The Virginian's house is decorated in a wiener dog motif, with wiener dog pillows, wiener dog wall art, wiener dog window curtains, wiener dog door mat and other wiener dog stuff I am not remembering right now.

On Friday the Virginian made no mention of celebrating National Dachshund Day, with Rocky. She is a bit of a shut-in, so likely the event passed by without Rocky's parent having any awareness of the special day...

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