Friday, June 21, 2024

Incoming Washington Scenery From Favorite Nephew Jason

Incoming email this second morning of Summer 2024 from FNJ (Favorite Nephew Jason) with the photo you see here and the following text...

FUD – Thought you'd enjoy this picture of the am fog and the raspberry patch.

The photo was taken by your little brother at 4 am this morning. This is an east view of his back yard. The field being prepped for haying is Jones family-owned turf. You can spot Mt. Baker in the background.  

The days are long here right now (well over 16 hours) in the PNW, and the weather couldn't be better.

Stay cool in TX.   We miss you,  - FNJ

People who have only lived in the south part of the United States have no experience with daylight lasting til a couple hours before midnight, which is what you experience in my old home zone of Washington. 

My one and only time in Alaska, in Summer, daylight lasted til midnight, which really was a bit weird.

I sure do miss living in an agricultural zone. Where raspberries grow. Where blackberries grow wild, free for the picking. Where roadside stands sell corn, paying with the honor system, where all sorts of fruits and vegetables and flowers grow.

Seeing mountains in any direction one looks is something I also miss, if I think about it. No matter which direction I look at my current location I see nothing but a flat horizon.

I probably should make plans for a visit to the Pacific Northwest. I was last at that location in August of 2017...

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