Monday, June 17, 2024

Remembering Prohibition Porter With Grandma, Grandpa, Loretta & Nancy

If I remember correctly, and sometimes I do, I previously shared the photo, well, part of the photo, you see here.

It arrived in my email this afternoon, from Microsoft, with today's OneDrive Memories from this Day.

But, clearly this can not be a memory of mine, what with me not being around during the Prohibition Era of the 1920s.

Also in today's memory were the two at the lower right. The entity on the left, known by some as my ex-wife, Loretta, with the entity on the right my big sister, Nancy.

It the photo from the Roaring 20s that group includes my grandma and grandpa, also known as my dad's parental units. Some, if not all of my grandpa's brothers, and their wives.

They are off the grid, somewhere in Whatcom County, enjoying bootleg beer, rumored to be of the Porter variety of beer. Though all info on this subject is highly questionable.

In the long-standing family tradition, Loretta and Nancy are also drinking beer, with Prohibition ancient history, imbibing at the outdoor patio of a saloon in Winthrop Washington. 

I used Microsoft's Image Compose to have Loretta and Nancy join the party.

I was also in Winthrop, that day, hence the photo.

I still practice Prohibition, hence me not in the picture drinking beer...

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