Sunday, May 19, 2024

Microsoft OneDrive Memory Of Pioneer Plaza In Dallas

On this third Sunday of May, incoming email from Microsoft had this OneDrive Memory from this Day.

I do not remember if I was at this location in May. I do remember I was at this location many times whilst I lived in the Dallas/Fort Wort Metroplex.

That Longhorn you see behind me is one of many such sculptures at Pioneer Plaza, in Dallas. Cowboys on horses are driving a herd of Longhorns by a waterfall.

Pioneer Plaza is adjacent to a cemetery which is adjacent to the Dallas City Hall.

That cemetery has many interesting gravesites. And is the location of the largest statue I've seen since I've been in the South, commemorating the Confederacy. I may not remember all the heroes of the Confederacy that make up this statue, but, I think among them were Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson.

I suspect, like what has happened to many such statues, this one has been removed. I've long thought do that is a bit wrong-headed...

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